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By aminocha
Hi guys
I am currently working on a project and displaying some characters on a 2 line LCD display. I bought a 4x20 LCD display recently and started using that. Everything works fine except for when I try and move the cursor to a specified DDRAM Address. While I can jump the beginning of the 1st, 2nd and 4th lines, when i try to access line 3 (0x14), the cursor jumps back to the 1st line at 0x10 and then continues on to the 3rd line. When I try to access 0x10, the cursor jumps to 0x0C ( for address referencing, ... ible_ddram)

Has anyone come across this issue before? Would it be possible that I have a faulty LCD? I can access any other address fine. I am using a ColdFire MCF52235 and the LCD uses H44780 chip. ... cts_id=256

By seulater
try this.

#define LINE_1 0x80 // control codes for line 1
#define LINE_2 0xC0 // control codes for line 2
#define LINE_3 0x94 // control codes for line 3
#define LINE_4 0xD4 // control codes for line 4