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By Manohar

We have the E700 camera module.
We are trying to interface it to a SBC board (gumstix).
Presently, we are using a 32kHz clock which is fed to CLK_IN of the camera.
The camera gives out a same frequency clock on the PCLK line.
Our problem is that, the camera does not give out HSYNC and there is no data on the data pins. (HSYNC and data occasionally appear, however, the data values are fixed ( typically : ba 8b af 02 ...)

What could be the reason for this?

Is it a camera initialization problem? What is the proper sequence in which the camera should be initialized?
(Presently, we are just starting the CLK_IN signal and then setting ENB and RST pins to HIGH after a few mili seconds)


By nabs

I had the same problem when clocking the camera at a low frequency(28kHz). To fix this problem try increasing the frequency to 4MHz. Others people have had success at this clock rate. I got data appearing with no extra configuration. Now I have have to find some place to put it.