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By Frustrated
I set up my standard Arduino Uno with the Sparkfun Qwiic Shield and connected the Qwiic OpenLog. I then downloaded the SparkFun_Qwiic_OpenLog_Arduino_Library-master and placed it in the libraries folder of my Arduino folder. I then ran the program Example1_BasicReadings.ino. The Serial Monitor produced no output. I commented out all lines containing calls to the object "myLog". The text from the three Serial.println() statements appeared correctly in the Serial Monitor. When I restored the lines containing calls to the object "myLog", the text from the three Serial.println() statements did not appear in the Serial Monitor. Also, in no case does the status LED blink, although there is no LED connected to digital pin 13, as there is no instruction to place any LED in digital pin 13. It would appear that something is wrong. Here is the complete code from the program Example1_BasicReadings.ino:
Code: Select all
  An I2C based datalogger - Like the OpenLog but for I2C
  By: Nathan Seidle
  SparkFun Electronics
  Date: February 2nd, 2018
  License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).

  This example shows how to record various text and variables to Qwiic OpenLog

  To Use:
    Insert a formatted SD card into Qwiic OpenLog
    Attach Qwiic OpenLog to a RedBoard or Uno with a Qwiic cable
    Load this sketch onto the RedBoard
    Open a terminal window to see the Serial.print statements
    Then insert the SD card into a computer view the log file contents

#include <Wire.h>
#include "SparkFun_Qwiic_OpenLog_Arduino_Library.h"
OpenLog myLog; //Create instance

int ledPin = 13; //Status LED connected to digital pin 13

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  Wire.begin(); //Initialize I2C
  //myLog.begin(); //Open connection to OpenLog (no pun intended)

  Serial.begin(9600); //9600bps is used for debug statements
  Serial.println("OpenLog Write File Test");
  //Record something to the default log
  //myLog.println("This goes to the log file");
  Serial.println("This goes to the terminal");

  float batteryVoltage = 3.4;
  //myLog.println("Batt voltage: " + String(batteryVoltage));

  batteryVoltage = batteryVoltage + 0.71;

  myLog.println("Batt voltage: " + String(batteryVoltage));


void loop()
  //Blink the Status LED because we're done!
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
By Frustrated
I was able to get the thing working by trying it on another board. It failed on the Arduino Uno, but it worked on a clone board. Perhaps the Uno had been damaged earlier -- although I rather doubt it. I'm just going to write this one off. I have other fish to complain about.