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By monkeyman40
A number of days ago I ordered a SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz, thinking that the VCC, GND, RX and TX could alone be used to connect to a USB port. Today I learned that I was incorrect and just had to buy a SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G DEV-14050 to go with it so I can connect it to a USB port to program it.
The whole purpose of buying as much is to use it to alter the programming of the EPROM of my brand new XYZ Printing da Vinci 2.0 Duo (for 1KG of XYZ Printing plastic filament is over $100, but the same by another maker is just $14.99 from Micro Center) print cartridges. But it's not clear what else I am going to need to use the new SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 for as much. I already have pins and wires to give 5V + & - and data line to the 3 pin print cartridges.
Here are the instructions I intend to use:
Is there anything else I am going to have to buy for use of the new SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini 328 for this purpose? Extra parts keep showing up as required.
To simplify:
What components are needed to use an Arduino Pro Mini 5V besides a Spark fun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G, headers and wires?
I purchased an Arduino Pro Mini 5V thinking I could just use the VCC, GND, TX and RX pins to attach a USB port to, but having looked online for components to use with the Arduino Uno R3 I ordered I came upon SparkFun and discovered the CH340G which made clear that I was absolutely, completely, totally wrong in thinking that I could use the Pro Mini's pins to plug a USB port into.
What else is required to use the Arduino Pro Mini 5V?

I write this simplified version because I have received no responses to my question.
Darn... I just received my order (from another seller - Digi-Key) and discovered that the Arduino Pro Mini 5V I received is actually a SparkFun unit. If I had known that I would have looked at the SparkFun page for as much and as a result I would have known from the start that I would require the SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G or higher. Digi-Key didn't show as much below the item as required or at all.
Now that I'm aware that it's a SparkFun part I have all the info I need from here: