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By ffbboy30
I'm using the 9DoF Razor IMU M0 with the default program inside.
I've some question about the Euler value calculation:
I've recorded some simple movements : EulerX after EulerY after EulerZ and I print them on screen .
I move one axis each time but the value of the other change too , is it possible to have real Angular value ?
EulerY and EulerY are working all the time together
Thanks you
By ffbboy30
When I want to change only the EulerY value I need to roll EulerX at the same time , it looks like the data are linked like a quaternion but on the screen I've only 3 values.

I need to put the board rotated at 45° (X/Y) to make it works perfectly . Something wrong it doesn't works like written on the board ????
By madcow
The "firmware" sketch is faulty - there is another thread here where someone was nice enough to upload code to calculate the euler values correctly.