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By MrTAAnderson
I have two questions / issues

1. I am able to get the wind speed and wind direction, but I never get wind gust / direction readings...

2. I have the wind settings setup for 8 directions, but understand that there are 16 available directions. I am unable to find a adc chart to match up with normal compass readings. So I am missing the degrees 22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5 .

Here is the code I am using, pieced together from here and there
Code: Select all
  SparkFun Photon Weather Shield basic example
  Joel Bartlett @ SparkFun Electronics
  Original Creation Date: May 18, 2015
  Updated August 21, 2015
  This sketch prints the temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure OR
  altitude to the Serial port.

  The library used in this example can be found here:

  Hardware Connections:
	This sketch was written specifically for the Photon Weather Shield,
	which connects the HTU21D and MPL3115A2 to the I2C bus by default.
  If you have an HTU21D and/or an MPL3115A2 breakout,	use the following
  hardware setup:
      HTU21D ------------- Photon
      (-) ------------------- GND
      (+) ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
       CL ------------------- D1/SCL
       DA ------------------- D0/SDA

    MPL3115A2 ------------- Photon
      GND ------------------- GND
      VCC ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
      SCL ------------------ D1/SCL
      SDA ------------------ D0/SDA

  Development environment specifics:
  	IDE: Particle Dev
  	Hardware Platform: Particle Photon
                       Particle Core

  This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
  employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful,
  please buy us a round!
  Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.


  Weather Underground Upload sections: Dan Fein @ Weather Underground
  Weather Underground Upload Protocol:
  Sign up at

void ledOff() {

#include "SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Shield_Library.h"
#include "math.h"   //For Dew Point Calculation

int WDIR = A0;
int RAIN = D2;
int WSPEED = D3; //march2017

long lastSecond; //The millis counter to see when a second rolls by
byte seconds; //When it hits 60, increase the current minute
byte seconds_2m; //Keeps track of the "wind speed/dir avg" over last 2 minutes array of data
byte minutes; //Keeps track of where we are in various arrays of data
byte minutes_10m; //Keeps track of where we are in wind gust/dir over last 10 minutes array of data

//We need to keep track of the following variables:
//Wind speed/dir each update (no storage)
//Wind gust/dir over the day (no storage)
//Wind speed/dir, avg over 2 minutes (store 1 per second)
//Wind gust/dir over last 10 minutes (store 1 per minute)
//Rain over the past hour (store 1 per minute)
//Total rain over date (store one per day)

byte windspdavg[120]; //120 bytes to keep track of 2 minute average
int winddiravg[120]; //120 ints to keep track of 2 minute average
float windgust_10m[10]; //10 floats to keep track of 10 minute max
int windgustdirection_10m[10]; //10 ints to keep track of 10 minute max
volatile float rainHour[60]; //60 floating numbers to keep track of 60 minutes of rain

//These are all the weather values that wunderground expects:
int winddir = 0; // [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
float windspeedmph = 0; // [mph instantaneous wind speed]
float windgustmph = 0; // [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
int windgustdir = 0; // [0-360 using software specific time period]
float windspdmph_avg2m = 0; // [mph 2 minute average wind speed mph]
int winddir_avg2m = 0; // [0-360 2 minute average wind direction]
float windgustmph_10m = 0; // [mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph ]
int windgustdir_10m = 0; // [0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction]
float rainin = 0; // [rain inches over the past hour)] -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min
long lastWindCheck = 0;
volatile float dailyrainin = 0; // [rain inches so far today in local time] march2017

float humidity = 0;
float humTempF = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float humTempC = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, celsius
float baroTempF = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float baroTempC = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, celsius
float tempF = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, fahrenheit
float tempC = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, celsius
float dewptF = 0;
float dewptC = 0;
float pascals = 0;
float inches = 0;

//Wunderground Vars

char SERVER[] = "";        //Rapidfire update server - for multiple sends per minute
//char SERVER [] = "/";   //Standard server - for sends once per minute or less
char WEBPAGE [] = "GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?";

//Station Identification
char ID [] = "KTNALAMO3"; //Your station ID here
char PASSWORD [] = "passwordhere"; //your Weather Underground password here

TCPClient client;

// volatiles are subject to modification by IRQs
volatile long lastWindIRQ = 0; //march 2017
volatile byte windClicks = 0;
volatile unsigned long raintime, rainlast, raininterval, rain; // march2017

//Create Instance of HTU21D or SI7021 temp and humidity sensor and MPL3115A2 barometric sensor
Weather sensor;

//Interrupt routines (these are called by the hardware interrupts, not by the main code)
void rainIRQ()
// Count rain gauge bucket tips as they occur
// Activated by the magnet and reed switch in the rain gauge, attached to input D2
  raintime = millis(); // grab current time
  raininterval = raintime - rainlast; // calculate interval between this and last event

    if (raininterval > 10) // ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 10mS after initial edge
    dailyrainin += 0.011; //Each dump is 0.011" of water
    rainHour[minutes] += 0.011; //Increase this minute's amount of rain

    rainlast = raintime; // set up for next event

void wspeedIRQ()
// Activated by the magnet in the anemometer (2 ticks per rotation), attached to input D3
  if (millis() - lastWindIRQ > 10) // Ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 10ms (142MPH max reading) after the reed switch closes
    lastWindIRQ = millis(); //Grab the current time
    windClicks++; //There is 1.492MPH for each click per second.

void setup()


    Serial.begin(9600);   // open serial over USB at 9600 baud

    //Initialize the I2C sensors and ping them

    pinMode(WSPEED, INPUT_PULLUP); // input from wind meters windspeed sensor
    pinMode(RAIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // input from wind meters rain gauge sensor march 2017

    /*You can only receive acurate barrometric readings or acurate altitiude
    readings at a given time, not both at the same time. The following two lines
    tell the sensor what mode to use. You could easily write a function that
    takes a reading in one made and then switches to the other mode to grab that
    reading, resulting in data that contains both acurate altitude and barrometric
    readings. For this example, we will only be using the barometer mode. Be sure
    to only uncomment one line at a time. */
    sensor.setModeBarometer();//Set to Barometer Mode
    //baro.setModeAltimeter();//Set to altimeter Mode

    //These are additional MPL3115A2 functions the MUST be called for the sensor to work.
    sensor.setOversampleRate(7); // Set Oversample rate
    //Call with a rate from 0 to 7. See page 33 for table of ratios.
    //Sets the over sample rate. Datasheet calls for 128 but you can set it
    //from 1 to 128 samples. The higher the oversample rate the greater
    //the time between data samples.

    sensor.enableEventFlags(); //Necessary register calls to enble temp, baro ansd alt

    seconds = 0;
    lastSecond = millis();

    // attach external interrupt pins to IRQ functions
    attachInterrupt(RAIN, rainIRQ, FALLING);
    attachInterrupt(WSPEED, wspeedIRQ, FALLING);

    // turn on interrupts

void loop()

      //Get readings from all sensors

      //Print to console  //console off during wireless

      //Send data to Weather Underground

      //Power down between sends to save power, measured in seconds.
      //System.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP,25);  //for Particle Photon
      //Spark.sleep(SLEEP_MODE_DEEP,300);   //for Spark Core;


void printInfo()
//This function prints the weather data out to the default Serial Port

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("%, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("F, ");

  Serial.print("hPa, ");
  //The MPL3115A2 outputs the pressure in Pascals. However, most weather stations
  //report pressure in hectopascals or millibars. Divide by 100 to get a reading
  //more closely resembling what online weather reports may say in hPa or mb.
  //Another common unit for pressure is Inches of Mercury (in.Hg). To convert
  //from mb to in.Hg, use the following formula. P(inHg) = 0.0295300 * P(mb)
  //More info on conversion can be found here:

  //If in altitude mode, print with these lines

  //This function prints the weather data out to the default Serial Port
      switch (winddir)
        case 0:
        case 45:
        case 90:
        case 135:
        case 180:
        case 225:
        case 270:
        case 315:
          Serial.print("No Wind");
          // if nothing else matches, do the
          // default (which is optional)

      Serial.print(" windspeedmph:");
      Serial.print(windspeedmph, 1);
      Serial.print("mph, ");

      Serial.print(rainin, 2);
      Serial.print("in., ");


//Read the wind direction sensor, return heading in degrees
int get_wind_direction()
  unsigned int adc;

  adc = analogRead(WDIR); // get the current reading from the sensor

  // The following table is ADC readings for the wind direction sensor output, sorted from low to high.
  // Each threshold is the midpoint between adjacent headings. The output is degrees for that ADC reading.
  // Note that these are not in compass degree order! See Weather Meters datasheet for more information.

  //Wind Vains may vary in the values they return. To get exact wind direction,
  //it is recomended that you AnalogRead the Wind Vain to make sure the values
  //your wind vain output fall within the values listed below.
  if(adc > 2270 && adc < 2290) return (0);//North
  if(adc > 3220 && adc < 3299) return (45);//NE
  if(adc > 3890 && adc < 3999) return (90);//East
  if(adc > 3780 && adc < 3850) return (135);//SE

  if(adc > 3570 && adc < 3650) return (180);//South
  if(adc > 2790 && adc < 2850) return (225);//SW
  if(adc > 1580 && adc < 1610) return (270);//West
  if(adc > 1930 && adc < 1950) return (315);//NW

  //return (-1); // error, disconnected?
//Returns the instataneous wind speed
float get_wind_speed()
  float deltaTime = millis() - lastWindCheck; //750ms

  deltaTime /= 1000.0; //Covert to seconds

  float windSpeed = (float)windClicks / deltaTime; //3 / 0.750s = 4

  windClicks = 0; //Reset and start watching for new wind
  lastWindCheck = millis();

  windSpeed *= 1.492; //4 * 1.492 = 5.968MPH

  /* Serial.println();


void sendToWU()

  if (client.connect(SERVER, 80)) {
  client.print("&dateutc=now");      //can use 'now' instead of time if sending in real time
  client.print("&winddir="); //- [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
  client.print("&windspeedmph="); //- [mph instantaneous wind speed]
  client.print("&windgustmph="); //- [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
  client.print("&windgustdir="); //- [0-360 using software specific time period]
  client.print("&windspdmph_avg2m=");  //- [mph 2 minute average wind speed mph]
  client.print("&winddir_avg2m="); //- [0-360 2 minute average wind direction]
  client.print("&windgustmph_10m="); // - [mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph ]
  client.print("&windgustdir_10m=");// - [0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction]
  //client.print("&action=updateraw");    //Standard update rate - for sending once a minute or less
  client.print("&softwaretype=Particle-Photon&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=30");  //Rapid Fire update rate - for sending multiple times per minute, specify frequency in seconds
  client.println(" HTTP 1.1"); // note the space before HTTP
  client.println("Connection: close");
    Serial.println("Upload complete");
  delay(1000);                         //Without the delay it goes to sleep too fast and the send is unreliable
    Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));
void getWeather()
  // Measure Relative Humidity from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humidity = sensor.getRH();

  // Measure Temperature from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humTempC = sensor.getTemp();
  humTempF = (humTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
  // Temperature is measured every time RH is requested.
  // It is faster, therefore, to read it from previous RH
  // measurement with getTemp() instead with readTemp()

  //Measure the Barometer temperature in F from the MPL3115A2
  baroTempC = sensor.readBaroTemp();
  baroTempF = (baroTempC * 9)/5 + 32; //convert the temperature to F

  //Measure Pressure from the MPL3115A2
  pascals = sensor.readPressure();
  inches = pascals * 0.0002953; // Calc for converting Pa to inHg (Wunderground expects inHg)

  //If in altitude mode, you can get a reading in feet with this line:
  //float altf = sensor.readAltitudeFt();

  //Average the temperature reading from both sensors

  //Calculate Dew Point
  dewptC = dewPoint(tempC, humidity);
  dewptF = (dewptC * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0;

   //Calc winddir
    winddir = get_wind_direction();

    //Calc windspeed
    windspeedmph = get_wind_speed();

    //Calc windgustmph
    //Calc windgustdir
    //Report the largest windgust today
    windgustmph = 0;
    windgustdir = 0;

    //Calc windspdmph_avg2m
    float temp = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
      temp += windspdavg[i];
    temp /= 120.0;
    windspdmph_avg2m = temp;

    //Calc winddir_avg2m
    temp = 0; //Can't use winddir_avg2m because it's an int
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
      temp += winddiravg[i];
    temp /= 120;
    winddir_avg2m = temp;

    //Calc windgustmph_10m
    //Calc windgustdir_10m
    //Find the largest windgust in the last 10 minutes
    windgustmph_10m = 0;
    windgustdir_10m = 0;
    //Step through the 10 minutes
    for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)
      if(windgust_10m[i] > windgustmph_10m)
        windgustmph_10m = windgust_10m[i];
        windgustdir_10m = windgustdirection_10m[i];

    //Total rainfall for the day is calculated within the interrupt
    //Calculate amount of rainfall for the last 60 minutes
    rainin = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 60 ; i++)
      rainin += rainHour[i];

// dewPoint function from NOAA
// reference (1) :
// reference (2) :
double dewPoint(double celsius, double humidity)
	// (1) Saturation Vapor Pressure = ESGG(T)
	double RATIO = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);
	double RHS = -7.90298 * (RATIO - 1);
	RHS += 5.02808 * log10(RATIO);
	RHS += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1/RATIO ))) - 1) ;
	RHS += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (RATIO - 1))) - 1) ;
	RHS += log10(1013.246);

  // factor -3 is to adjust units - Vapor Pressure SVP * humidity
	double VP = pow(10, RHS - 3) * humidity;

  // (2) DEWPOINT = F(Vapor Pressure)
	double T = log(VP/0.61078);   // temp var
	return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T);

	// Delay for 10 sec before next reading // added by JDM


By DocWu
Funny you should ask, I am just getting ready to play around with the same thing.

As I understand it, the wind vane (not vain, as in the code!) has eight reed switches, which are activated in turn by a magnet in the vane.

Each reed switch closes a circuit containing a resistor of various values. The values create a voltage divider which places a different voltage on the analog input for the wind vane.

In the code, the get_wind_direction() function checks if the voltage reading is within certain voltage ranges that coincide with each direction.

The eight voltages for the cardinal and inter-cardinal directions are created by the closure of a single reed switch. To determine sixteen directions, the circuit and code must check for the closure of two adjacent reed switched, which places resistors in parallel and produces another different voltage at the analog input.

Someone must have carefully analyzed the choice of resistance values to make this work without any of the parallel combinations coming close to the single values. The magnet will also have to overlap reed switches slightly to work this way.

I don't know if the wind vane that you have will operate this way. I don't know if the one I have will yet, either. Some time spent with the circuit powered up and a voltmeter connected to the input might tell you and help you figure out the voltages produced for the secondary inter-cardinal directions. You would then have to modify the get_wind_direction() function as well as add the directions (ESE, WNW, NNE, etc.) to the switch/case structure that prints the direction.

Try it and see if it works. It may be too erratic depending on many things such as wind speed, the wire resistance from the vane to the board, and the internal construction of your wind vane. You can always go back to just eight directions by restoring the code to the way it was.
By MrTAAnderson
I am using the Switchdoc weather sensor(s)

How can you translate voltages that are listed into actual directions. The code that I have is nuts. It looks like it is supposed to send only values of 0-360, but it is showing values in the 1,000's and negative values too, reported to wunderground. The code for windgust does not even seem to be there, it just shows the part where it zeros out the value. Rain is crazy too, it seems to report it by the minute, but then never clears itself, and the accumulated rainfall does not work either.

The voltages are listed in the document below.. for the Switchdoc ... embly..pdf
By DocWu
MrTAAnderson wrote:I am using the Switchdoc weather sensor(s)

How can you translate voltages that are listed into actual directions. The code that I have is nuts. It looks like it is supposed to send only values of 0-360, but it is showing values in the 1,000's and negative values too, reported to wunderground. The code for windgust does not even seem to be there, it just shows the part where it zeros out the value. Rain is crazy too, it seems to report it by the minute, but then never clears itself, and the accumulated rainfall does not work either.

The voltages are listed in the document below.. for the Switchdoc ... embly..pdf
Look at the code for the function called int get_wind_direction() That is where the conversion from the raw analog value to degrees occurs. It checks to see if the analog input falls into certain ranges and if it does, assigns it a degree value. It doesn't attempt to do 0-360, just the angle for the sixteen ordinal directions. Another function assigns a string value with the letter direction.

Yes, some of the values shown are in the 2000s. The range of numbers you'll see depends on the ADC on the processor. If you want to see values that match the voltages in the chart, you could do a conversion to voltage. ... to-voltage

I don't remember which board you were using, but the fact that the values are over 1024 tells me you have a larger ADC, maybe 12-bit. (Arduinos have a 10-bit ADC so won't go over 1023) So you'll have to find that out before you can work the formulas.

Or, you could spend some time with a voltmeter and a pad of paper and figure it out experimentally.
By MrTAAnderson
found this
Code: Select all
int get_wind_direction()
  unsigned int analogRaw;

  analogRaw = analogRead(WDIR); // get the current reading from the sensor

  // The following table is ADC readings for the wind direction sensor output, sorted from low to high.
  // Each threshold is the midpoint between adjacent headings. The output is degrees for that ADC reading.
  // Note that these are not in compass degree order! See Weather Meters datasheet for more information.

  //Wind Vains may vary in the values they return. To get exact wind direction,
  //it is recomended that you AnalogRead the Wind Vain to make sure the values
  //your wind vain output fall within the values listed below.
  if(analogRaw >= 2200 && analogRaw < 2400) return (270);//W
  if(analogRaw >= 2100 && analogRaw < 2200) return (293);//WNW
  if(analogRaw >= 3200 && analogRaw < 3299) return (315);//NW
  if(analogRaw >= 3100 && analogRaw < 3200) return (337);//NNW
  if(analogRaw >= 3890 && analogRaw < 3999) return (0);//N
  if(analogRaw >= 3700 && analogRaw < 3780) return (23);//NNE
  if(analogRaw >= 3780 && analogRaw < 3890) return (45);//NE
  if(analogRaw >= 3400 && analogRaw < 3500) return (67);//ENE
  if(analogRaw >= 3570 && analogRaw < 3700) return (90);//E
  if(analogRaw >= 2600 && analogRaw < 2700) return (113);//ESE
  if(analogRaw >= 2750 && analogRaw < 2850) return (135);//SE
  if(analogRaw >= 1510 && analogRaw < 1580) return (157);//SSE
  if(analogRaw >= 1580 && analogRaw < 1650) return (180);//S
  if(analogRaw >= 1470 && analogRaw < 1510) return (203);//SSW
  if(analogRaw >= 1900 && analogRaw < 2000) return (225);//SW
  if(analogRaw >= 1700 && analogRaw < 1750) return (247);//WSW
  if(analogRaw > 4000) return(-1); // Open circuit?  Probably means the sensor is not connected
  return -1;
the other readings for direction, which work.

My wind speed is still screwed up though, all the code I see everywhere reports a wind speed but it never goes above 13 mph.

My wind cups are spinning like crazy...

This is on the photon with the sparkfun weathershield and switchdoc weather station.

So everything works so far except the wind not giving me the right speed, the gusts report speed, but never reset, and I think the rain works, but it too needs to be reset for the daily rain

here is the whole smacked together code as it stands now
Code: Select all
  SparkFun Photon Weather Shield basic example with soil moisture and temp
  and weather meter readings including wind speed, wind direction and rain.
  Joel Bartlett @ SparkFun Electronics
  Original Creation Date: May 18, 2015
  Modifications and corrections: Brandon Mutari July 13, 2016
  Based on the Wimp Weather Station sketch by: Nathan Seidle
  This sketch prints the temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, altitude,
  soil moisture, and soil temperature to the Seril port. This sketch also
  incorporates the Weather Meters avaialbe from SparkFun (SEN-08942), which allow
  you to measure Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Rainfall. Upload this sketch
  after attaching a soil moisture and or soil temperature sensor and Wetaher
  Meters to test your connections.
  Hardware Connections:
	This sketch was written specifically for the Photon Weather Shield,
	which connects the HTU21D and MPL3115A2 to the I2C bus by default.
  If you have an HTU21D and/or an MPL3115A2 breakout,	use the following
  hardware setup:
      HTU21D ------------- Photon
      (-) ------------------- GND
      (+) ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
       CL ------------------- D1/SCL
       DA ------------------- D0/SDA
    MPL3115A2 ------------- Photon
      GND ------------------- GND
      VCC ------------------- 3.3V (VCC)
      SCL ------------------ D1/SCL
      SDA ------------------ D0/SDA
    Soil Moisture Sensor ----- Photon
        GND ------------------- GND
        VCC ------------------- D5
        SIG ------------------- A1
    DS18B20 Temp Sensor ------ Photon
        VCC (Red) ------------- 3.3V (VCC)
        GND (Black) ----------- GND
        SIG (White) ----------- D4
  Development environment specifics:
  	IDE: Particle Dev
  	Hardware Platform: Particle Photon
                       Particle Core
  This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
  employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful,
  please buy us a round!
  Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
void ledOff() {
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <SparkFun_Photon_Weather_Shield_Library.h>
#include "math.h"   //For Dew Point Calculation

float humidity = 0;
float humTempF = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float humTempC = 0;  //humidity sensor temp reading, celsius
float baroTempF = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, fahrenheit
float baroTempC = 0; //barometer sensor temp reading, celsius
float tempF = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, fahrenheit
float tempC = 0;     //Average of the sensors temperature readings, celsius
float dewptF = 0;
float dewptC = 0;
float pascals = 0;
float inches = 0;

int WDIR = A0;
int RAIN = D2;
int WSPEED = D3;

//Run I2C Scanner to get address of DS18B20(s)
//(found in the Firmware folder in the Photon Weather Shield Repo)
//DeviceAddress inSoilThermometer =
//{0x28, 0x16, 0x81, 0xA7, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA4};//Waterproof temp sensor address

//Global Variables
long lastSecond; //The millis counter to see when a second rolls by
byte seconds; //When it hits 60, increase the current minute
byte seconds_2m; //Keeps track of the "wind speed/dir avg" over last 2 minutes array of data
byte minutes; //Keeps track of where we are in various arrays of data
byte minutes_10m; //Keeps track of where we are in wind gust/dir over last 10 minutes array of data

//We need to keep track of the following variables:
//Wind speed/dir each update (no storage)
//Wind gust/dir over the day (no storage)
//Wind speed/dir, avg over 2 minutes (store 1 per second)
//Wind gust/dir over last 10 minutes (store 1 per minute)
//Rain over the past hour (store 1 per minute)
//Total rain over date (store one per day)

byte windspdavg[120]; //120 bytes to keep track of 2 minute average
//int winddiravg[120]; //120 ints to keep track of 2 minute average
#define WIND_DIR_AVG_SIZE 120
int winddiravg[WIND_DIR_AVG_SIZE]; //120 ints to keep track of 2 minute average
float windgust_10m[10]; //10 floats to keep track of 10 minute max
int windgustdirection_10m[10]; //10 ints to keep track of 10 minute max
volatile float rainHour[60]; //60 floating numbers to keep track of 60 minutes of rain

//These are all the weather values that wunderground expects:
int winddir = 0; // [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
float windspeedmph = 0; // [mph instantaneous wind speed]
float windgustmph = 0; // [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
int windgustdir = 0; // [0-360 using software specific time period]
float windspdmph_avg2m = 0; // [mph 2 minute average wind speed mph]
int winddir_avg2m = 0; // [0-360 2 minute average wind direction]
float windgustmph_10m = 0; // [mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph ]
int windgustdir_10m = 0; // [0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction]
float rainin = 0; // [rain inches over the past hour)] -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min
long lastWindCheck = 0;
volatile float dailyrainin = 0; // [rain inches so far today in local time]

int count = 0;

// volatiles are subject to modification by IRQs
volatile long lastWindIRQ = 0;
volatile byte windClicks = 0;
volatile unsigned long raintime, rainlast, raininterval, rain;

//Create Instance of HTU21D or SI7021 temp and humidity sensor and MPL3115A2 barrometric sensor
Weather sensor;

//void update18B20Temp(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, double &tempC);//predeclare to compile

//Interrupt routines (these are called by the hardware interrupts, not by the main code)
void rainIRQ()
// Count rain gauge bucket tips as they occur
// Activated by the magnet and reed switch in the rain gauge, attached to input D2
	raintime = millis(); // grab current time
	raininterval = raintime - rainlast; // calculate interval between this and last event

	if (raininterval > 10) // ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 10mS after initial edge
		dailyrainin += 0.011; //Each dump is 0.011" of water
		rainHour[minutes] += 0.011; //Increase this minute's amount of rain

		rainlast = raintime; // set up for next event

void wspeedIRQ()
// Activated by the magnet in the anemometer (2 ticks per rotation), attached to input D3
	if (millis() - lastWindIRQ > 100) // Ignore switch-bounce glitches less than 10ms (142MPH max reading) after the reed switch closes
		lastWindIRQ = millis(); //Grab the current time
		windClicks++; //There is 1.492MPH for each click per second.

//Wunderground Vars

char SERVER[] = "";        //Rapidfire update server - for multiple sends per minute
//char SERVER [] = "/";   //Standard server - for sends once per minute or less
char WEBPAGE [] = "GET /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?";

//Station Identification
char ID [] = "KTNALAMO3"; //Your station ID here
char PASSWORD [] = "********"; //your Weather Underground password here

TCPClient client;

void setup()
    // DS18B20 initialization
    //sensors.setResolution(inSoilThermometer, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);

    pinMode(WSPEED, INPUT_PULLUP); // input from wind meters windspeed sensor
    pinMode(RAIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // input from wind meters rain gauge sensor

    //pinMode(SOIL_MOIST_POWER, OUTPUT);//power control for soil moisture
   // digitalWrite(SOIL_MOIST_POWER, LOW);//Leave off by defualt

    Serial.begin(9600);   // open serial over USB

    // Make sure your Serial Terminal app is closed before powering your device
    // Now open your Serial Terminal, and hit any key to continue!
    //Serial.println("Press any key to begin");
    //This line pauses the Serial port until a key is pressed
    //while(!Serial.available()) Spark.process();

    //Initialize the I2C sensors and ping them

    /*You can only receive acurate barrometric readings or acurate altitiude
    readings at a given time, not both at the same time. The following two lines
    tell the sensor what mode to use. You could easily write a function that
    takes a reading in one made and then switches to the other mode to grab that
    reading, resulting in data that contains both acurate altitude and barrometric
    readings. For this example, we will only be using the barometer mode. Be sure
    to only uncomment one line at a time. */
    sensor.setModeBarometer();//Set to Barometer Mode
    //sensor.setModeAltimeter();//Set to altimeter Mode

    //These are additional MPL3115A2 functions the MUST be called for the sensor to work.
    sensor.setOversampleRate(7); // Set Oversample rate
    //Call with a rate from 0 to 7. See page 33 for table of ratios.
    //Sets the over sample rate. Datasheet calls for 128 but you can set it
    //from 1 to 128 samples. The higher the oversample rate the greater
    //the time between data samples.

    sensor.enableEventFlags(); //Necessary register calls to enble temp, baro ansd alt

    seconds = 0;
    lastSecond = millis();

    // attach external interrupt pins to IRQ functions
    attachInterrupt(RAIN, rainIRQ, FALLING);
    attachInterrupt(WSPEED, wspeedIRQ, FALLING);

    // turn on interrupts

void loop()
    //Rather than use a delay, keeping track of a counter allows the photon to
    // still take readings and do work in between printing out data.

    //alter this number to change the amount of time between each reading
  //  if(count == 10)
  //  {
  //     printInfo();
     sendToWU(); //Send data to Weather Underground
    //   count = 0;
  //  };



//void getSoilTemp()
    //get temp from DS18B20
//    sensors.requestTemperatures();
//    update18B20Temp(inSoilThermometer, InTempC);
    //Every so often there is an error that throws a -127.00, this compensates
//    if(InTempC < -100)
//      soiltempf = soiltempf;//push last value so data isn't out of scope
//    else
//      soiltempf = (InTempC * 9)/5 + 32;//else grab the newest, good data
//void getSoilMositure()
    /*We found through testing that leaving the soil moisture sensor powered
    all the time lead to corrosion of the probes. Thus, this port breaks out
    Digital Pin D5 as the power pin for the sensor, allowing the Photon to
    power the sensor, take a reading, and then disable power on the sensor,
    giving the sensor a longer lifespan.*/
//    digitalWrite(SOIL_MOIST_POWER, HIGH);
//    delay(200);
//    soilMoisture = (analogRead(SOIL_MOIST)/3500)*100;//choose a top end for 100% saturation
//    delay(100);
//    digitalWrite(SOIL_MOIST_POWER, LOW);

//void update18B20Temp(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, double &tempC)
//  tempC = sensors.getTempC(deviceAddress);
//Read the wind direction sensor, return heading in degrees
int get_wind_direction()
  unsigned int analogRaw;

  analogRaw = analogRead(WDIR); // get the current reading from the sensor

  // The following table is ADC readings for the wind direction sensor output, sorted from low to high.
  // Each threshold is the midpoint between adjacent headings. The output is degrees for that ADC reading.
  // Note that these are not in compass degree order! See Weather Meters datasheet for more information.

  //Wind Vains may vary in the values they return. To get exact wind direction,
  //it is recomended that you AnalogRead the Wind Vain to make sure the values
  //your wind vain output fall within the values listed below.
  if(analogRaw >= 2200 && analogRaw < 2400) return (270);//W
  if(analogRaw >= 2100 && analogRaw < 2200) return (293);//WNW
  if(analogRaw >= 3200 && analogRaw < 3299) return (315);//NW
  if(analogRaw >= 3100 && analogRaw < 3200) return (337);//NNW
  if(analogRaw >= 3890 && analogRaw < 3999) return (0);//N
  if(analogRaw >= 3700 && analogRaw < 3780) return (23);//NNE
  if(analogRaw >= 3780 && analogRaw < 3890) return (45);//NE
  if(analogRaw >= 3400 && analogRaw < 3500) return (67);//ENE
  if(analogRaw >= 3570 && analogRaw < 3700) return (90);//E
  if(analogRaw >= 2600 && analogRaw < 2700) return (113);//ESE
  if(analogRaw >= 2750 && analogRaw < 2850) return (135);//SE
  if(analogRaw >= 1510 && analogRaw < 1580) return (157);//SSE
  if(analogRaw >= 1580 && analogRaw < 1650) return (180);//S
  if(analogRaw >= 1470 && analogRaw < 1510) return (203);//SSW
  if(analogRaw >= 1900 && analogRaw < 2000) return (225);//SW
  if(analogRaw >= 1700 && analogRaw < 1750) return (247);//WSW
  if(analogRaw > 4000) return(-1); // Open circuit?  Probably means the sensor is not connected
  return -1;
//Returns the instataneous wind speed
float get_wind_speed()
  float deltaTime = millis() - lastWindCheck; //750ms

  deltaTime /= 1000.0; //Covert to seconds

  float windSpeed = (float)windClicks / deltaTime * 1.492; //3 / 0.750s = 4

  windClicks = 0; //Reset and start watching for new wind
  lastWindCheck = millis();

  //windSpeed *= 1.492; //4 * 1.492 = 5.968MPH

  /* Serial.println();

//Returns the altitude corrected pressure for a given elevation
//equation found here:
//float getAltPressure()
//  altitude = 1655.978; //altitude in meters
//  hectopa = sensor.readPressure() / 100;
//  pressure = (hectopa - 0.3) * pow((1 + ((pow(1013.25,0.190284) * 0.0065)/288) * (altitude/(pow((hectopa - 0.3),0.190284)))),(1/0.190284));
//  inches = pressure * 0.02953;

//  return(inches);
void getWeather()
  // Measure Relative Humidity from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humidity = sensor.getRH();

  // Measure Temperature from the HTU21D or Si7021
  humTempC = sensor.getTemp();
  humTempF = (humTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
  // Temperature is measured every time RH is requested.
  // It is faster, therefore, to read it from previous RH
  // measurement with getTemp() instead with readTemp()

  //Measure the Barometer temperature in F from the MPL3115A2
  baroTempC = sensor.readBaroTemp();
  baroTempF = (baroTempC * 9)/5 + 32; //convert the temperature to F

  //Measure Pressure from the MPL3115A2
  pascals = sensor.readPressure();
  inches = pascals * 0.0002953; // Calc for converting Pa to inHg (Wunderground expects inHg)

  //If in altitude mode, you can get a reading in feet with this line:
  //float altf = sensor.readAltitudeFt();

  //Average the temperature reading from both sensors
  tempF=((humTempF+baroTempF)/2 - 5);

  //Calculate Dew Point
  dewptC = dewPoint(tempC, humidity);
  dewptF = (dewptC * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0 - 5;

  //Keep track of which minute it is
    //Get readings from all sensors
    if(millis() - lastSecond >= 1000)

    lastSecond += 1000;

		//Take a speed and direction reading every second for 2 minute average
		if(++seconds_2m > 119) seconds_2m = 0;

		//Calc the wind speed and direction every second for 120 second to get 2 minute average
		float currentSpeed = get_wind_speed();
		windspeedmph = currentSpeed; //update global variable for windspeed when using the printWeather() function
		//float currentSpeed = random(5); //For testing
		int currentDirection = get_wind_direction();
		windspdavg[seconds_2m] = (int)currentSpeed;
		winddiravg[seconds_2m] = currentDirection;
		//if(seconds_2m % 10 == 0) displayArrays(); //For testing

		//Check to see if this is a gust for the minute
		if(currentSpeed > windgust_10m[minutes_10m])
			windgust_10m[minutes_10m] = currentSpeed;
			windgustdirection_10m[minutes_10m] = currentDirection;

		//Check to see if this is a gust for the day
		if(currentSpeed > windgustmph)
			windgustmph = currentSpeed;
			windgustdir = currentDirection;

		if(++seconds > 59)
			seconds = 0;

			if(++minutes > 59) minutes = 0;
			if(++minutes_10m > 9) minutes_10m = 0;

			rainHour[minutes] = 0; //Zero out this minute's rainfall amount
			windgust_10m[minutes_10m] = 0; //Zero out this minute's gust
	}//Calc winddir

	winddir = get_wind_direction();

	//Calc windspeed
	//windspeedmph = get_wind_speed(); //This is calculated in the main loop on line 179

	//Calc windgustmph
	//Calc windgustdir
	//These are calculated in the main loop

	//Calc windspdmph_avg2m
	float temp = 0;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
		temp += windspdavg[i];
	temp /= 120.0;
	windspdmph_avg2m = temp;

	//Calc winddir_avg2m, Wind Direction
	//You can't just take the average. Google "mean of circular quantities" for more info
	//We will use the Mitsuta method because it doesn't require trig functions
	//And because it sounds cool.
	//Based on:
	//Based on:
	long sum = winddiravg[0];
	int D = winddiravg[0];
	for(int i = 1 ; i < WIND_DIR_AVG_SIZE ; i++)
		int delta = winddiravg[i] - D;

		if(delta < -180)
			D += delta + 360;
		else if(delta > 180)
			D += delta - 360;
			D += delta;

		sum += D;
	winddir_avg2m = sum / WIND_DIR_AVG_SIZE;
	if(winddir_avg2m >= 360) winddir_avg2m -= 360;
	if(winddir_avg2m < 0) winddir_avg2m += 360;

	//Calc windgustmph_10m
	//Calc windgustdir_10m
	//Find the largest windgust in the last 10 minutes
	windgustmph_10m = 0;
	windgustdir_10m = 0;
	//Step through the 10 minutes
	for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++)
		if(windgust_10m[i] > windgustmph_10m)
			windgustmph_10m = windgust_10m[i];
			windgustdir_10m = windgustdirection_10m[i];

/*rainin = 0;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 60 ; i++)
		rainin += rainHour[i];

    rainin = 0;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < 60 ; i++) //change to 60 mnts
    rainin += rainHour[i];

    //rainin_5m = 0;
    //for(int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) //change to 5 mnts
    //rainin_5m += rain5m[i];
// dewPoint function from NOAA
// reference (1) :
// reference (2) :
double dewPoint(double celsius, double humidity)
	// (1) Saturation Vapor Pressure = ESGG(T)
	double RATIO = 373.15 / (273.15 + celsius);
	double RHS = -7.90298 * (RATIO - 1);
	RHS += 5.02808 * log10(RATIO);
	RHS += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344 * (1 - 1/RATIO ))) - 1) ;
	RHS += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10, (-3.49149 * (RATIO - 1))) - 1) ;
	RHS += log10(1013.246);

  // factor -3 is to adjust units - Vapor Pressure SVP * humidity
	double VP = pow(10, RHS - 3) * humidity;

  // (2) DEWPOINT = F(Vapor Pressure)
	double T = log(VP/0.61078);   // temp var
	return (241.88 * T) / (17.558 - T);
void printInfo()
  //This function prints the weather data out to the default Serial Port
  Serial.println("Data to send ----------------");
















void sendToWU()

  if (client.connect(SERVER, 80))
  client.print("&dateutc=now");      //can use 'now' instead of time if sending in real time
  client.print("&winddir="); //- [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
  client.print("&windspeedmph="); //- [mph instantaneous wind speed]
  client.print("&windgustmph="); //- [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
  client.print("&windgustdir="); //- [0-360 using software specific time period]
  client.print("&windspdmph_avg2m=");  //- [mph 2 minute average wind speed mph]
  client.print("&winddir_avg2m="); //- [0-360 2 minute average wind direction]
  client.print("&windgustmph_10m="); // - [mph past 10 minutes wind gust mph ]
  client.print("&windgustdir_10m=");// - [0-360 past 10 minutes wind gust direction]
  //client.print("&action=updateraw");    //Standard update rate - for sending once a minute or less
  client.print("&softwaretype=Particle-Photon&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=30");  //Rapid Fire update rate - for sending multiple times per minute, specify frequency in seconds
  client.println(" HTTP 1.1"); // note the space before HTTP
  client.println("Connection: close");
    Serial.println("Upload complete");
  delay(1000);                         //Without the delay it goes to sleep too fast and the send is unreliable
    Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));