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By MogaRaghu
OK I just came out of the depression of doing a stupid thing :
> I got the THING and checked out the WebServer example. Very happy !
> Resume after a break and after modifying the code, by mistake used a FTDI Breakout with the selector set to 5V ( was using it on another module )
> Realised the mistake ( though no smoke came ) in a short while and pulled out and reset the selector to 3.3V
> The Webserver code now downloaded but following happened :

1. It stopped twice at about 80% flashing. In fact it almost never completes with 115200 Baud. Only 256000 Baud is better.
2. Could complete flashing with repeated trials and the code also worked. But not always now... does not work again ...
3. And now it always enters Boot mode on power up even with the DTR jumper cut.

Simple doubt : Have I fried the THING by the 5V goof up ? Or this kind of unreliable behaviour is due to something else I am doing or not doing ??
Its pretty depressing to fry a module by a mistake.