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By Metaterra

I'm prototyping a sensory extension device that would collect ultrasonic information between ~ 20kHz - 45kHz. My intent is to trigger a specific spatiotemporal pattern, on a vibrotactile array located on the back of the hand, in response to a given subdivided frequency range within the overall 20-45kHz range (for example: trigger tactile pattern x, when frequency range 20-23kHz is detected). It's pretty much an auditory-to-tactile sensory augmentation setup.

I'm having a hard time finding a breakout board that's compatible with the ultrasonic MEMS mic that I would require (Knowles SPU0410LR5H-QB-7 Ultrasonic Sensor, ... 8059303881).

The pinout specs are the same and voltage specs seem similar enough. I'm a little concerned about the size difference though. In your opinion, would it be possible to retrofit the breakout board with this sensor (swap the INMP401 for the SPU0410)? If not, what would be your recommendation for a breakout that would suffice for such a sensor application?

I hope this is not too confusing:)
