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By RS485
I have problems with the RS485 Shield. I have 3 damaged shields and 1 which is working. They all worked in the beginning. It happend that I wired the +/- in wrong order, but this should not destroy the board, does it ? Which component should I look after for repair ?
By Starlord
If you are switching the Data A and Data B. Then no that should not damage anything. If you are talking about the Sparkfun shields then there is really only one component. The RS485 driver. Where I work we use FTDI cables which is basically an encapsulated cable similar to the Sparkfun USB-RS485 convertor. They fail fairly often. On many of them I have cut off the coating and replaced the driver chip with with a MAX483 or MAX484. That gets them working for a while. We are trying a different cable which seems to be more robust.