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By rocmit

I am new at this so go easy on me :) I have recently purchased a APDS-9960 (SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor) and Arduino 101 inventor kit. I have ran through a few examples and decided to try out APDS-9960. I wired it according to hookup guide and loaded GestureTest but it didn't work...

After debugging with print, I noticed the interrupt were not detected...

void loop() {
if( isr_flag == 1 ) {
Serial.println(F("--if--")); <====== if interrupt was triggered, I expect to see this print.
isr_flag = 0;
attachInterrupt(0, interruptRoutine, FALLING);

I tried to measure what interrupt pin gives me (sorry still new at this) but not sure what I am supposed to see... Before init, I see 3.3v... after init, I see something like 0.028v. I see no changes in voltage when I wave my hand on top of the device. Is this the right way to make sure interrupt is working?

