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By szotyi

I had a very hard time to getting work the Sparkfun WiFly Shield with the given examples. I have got with the firmware 4.00, and all of the examples is out of date (2.38), none of them was working out of box. I was very disappointed. Finally I could upgraded to 4.41.
But still it is very difficult to work with it.
I would like to use with adhoc mode, and running a server on it.
So far I did:
set wlan join 7
set wlan channel 1
set apmode ssid Test
set ip dhcp 4
set ip address
set ip net
set ip gateway

Thats is working great now. I can connect with my iphone. Only the green flashes slowly.

Then I have uploaded the server sketch (changed the port form 80 to 2000, and commented out to join), i can connect from my iphone to I receive the html page from arduino on the iphone's browsers, but after about 30 second the connection drops, and starts to flash the orange flash quickly.. And I do not find the wireless conn on the list.
Then I need to restart the arduino, and works again for like 30 seconds.
If I upload an any sketch that is not including the WiFly.begin(); the connection stays for hours.
I have debuged line by line.
Adhoc mode drops after around 30 sec:
Code: Select all
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFly.h>

#include "Credentials.h"
void setup() {
void loop() {
Stay alive for hours:
Code: Select all
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFly.h>

#include "Credentials.h"
void setup() {
void loop() {
I am very disappointed, it took me so long to get here and still not working. :(
Can anyone help me?