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By DudeMan
What would I need to mix accelerometer data in between NMEA sentences on 1 RS232 connection?

I already have a GPS module interfacing with a BlueTooth radio successfuly.

Thanks in advance!
By DudeMan
Bump.. Revisiting this again. I would imagine I need a PIC controller to accomplish this. What other hw would I need to program the controller and debug it. I have seen all of the devices available on this site but still confused as to what I really need. Since I am starting out with controllers, what is a good entry level package to accomplish this. I am a programmer so that is a plus.

Thanks again.
By Cannibal
Hi there,

I'm a grad student in a satnav program, and some of the people in my lab work with GPS/INS integration.

I asked them the same things when I first arrived back in may of last year, and the consensus was that if you're interested in fusing accelerometers with GPS, you'll need all three axes, and preferably three gyros. Also knowledge of kalman filtering is needed to fuse the data in a meaningful way.

Additionally, the accuracy available with off the shelf IMU components is good for no more than a few seconds without GPS lock, so you may be better off waiting until better accelerometers/gyros are available at low prices.