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By softikuss
I just found interesting stuff at

My project ideas are as follows

1) A device with embedded ethernet webserver to control
one relay (or more) to switch 110/230V AC devices on and off.

My questions on that:
- Which Olimex hardware would be most suitable for that? I do not need a LCD display, just a method to initially change/set the IP address and network range for the device and some HTML code that I can use so switch something on and off. It should be usuable without any special browser software or Jave/ActiveX applets etc, just by simple http comands.

- Has anyone already done something like that (can I buy something ready to use?) It should not be too expensive since I might later need a few more than just one...

2) I need a device that is able to ping another website to check the internet connection. If the connection times out, the device should switch a relay to reset a DSL router, i.e. it should work as a DSL "watchdog". Any suggestions on that?

I really appreciate any suggestions. If similar devices already exist (even if not finished) I would like to get in contact with their developpers or I also appreciate any website links etc.

Thanks very much!