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By CrankyOldGuy
I had been developing a solution to do exactly what the wav trigger does, and ditched my effort when I found this great little board. I have two questions about implementing it in an exhibit that I am developing:

1- My exhibit includes relays that contain leaf-switches that I would like to use as sound triggers. The leaf switches will pass current anywhere from 5-20 volts. Will this voltage impact the WAV Trigger board (trigger switches) negatively? If so, I suppose I could add a diode to the trigger circuit... Just wanted to ask the question.

2- I wonder if it is possible to add functionality to allow a wav sound to loop/repeat until the stop trigger/switch is depressed? This would provide background sound for my exhibit. Right now my plan is to make an extremely long .wav file with the background music repeating 5 or 6 times (since there is no loop option). If there is a relatively simple way to make my existing .wav file loop then I'd know the customer could hear background sound as long as they are engaged with the exhibit...
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By robertsonics
The normal mode of the trigger inputs is for contact closures to ground, and in this mode they are pulled up to 3.3V. Connecting them to ground with a switch or button is what activates them (unless you invert the trigger.) If what you are saying is that your leaf switches require at least 5V, then you would need to put the triggers in active mode and supply your own 5V to be switched to the trigger input. Do not apply more than 5V to a trigger input.

Tracks can be looped by changing the trigger to "level" type. The track will start and loop as long as the trigger is held active, and if you invert the trigger with a normally open switch, then the track will loop as soon as the power is applied. There are lots of combinations of trigger functions and features. The serial protocol also supports looping any of the 999 tracks.

There's currently no way to loop an edge type trigger input, but I'm working on this feature for a customer and hope to have something in a future firmware update.