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By tom_b
I'm struggling to read any input from the ADC board for the Edison ( using libmraa. I haven't found a great deal of information about this board, other than a forum post on the Intel forums suggesting to use i2c bus 6 to read from the inputs. The datasheet for the ADS1015 (and some code from Adafruit) are a good resource for actually reading input, but so far I don't even think I've got the right i2c bus/address. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
By austinnichols101
ok - got a little further. Running

'i2cdetect -l'

shows me the I2C adapter listing. Then running

i2cdetect -y -r 1

shows me devices on 0x1d and 0x6b. A bit of google work shows that the LSM9DS0 sensor occupies 0x1D for the accelerometer/magnetomter sensors and 0x6B for the gyroscope.

Working on getting mraa going...stay tuned.