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By emf
I'm not sure what the problem is... I looked through the datasheet for the LF8722 and all of your numbers look good to me. But there's got to be something wrong if you can't reliably read a 5k pot. I'm pretty much out of ideas; the only things I can think to check are the TRIS and PCFG bits, but I'm sure you've checked those a million times.

I use the MPLAB C18 compiler, so I'm probably not much help with the CCS source.
By hnwynters
Yes, I've checked them a thousand times but a few more seems appropriate in this case. What I'll do over the next few days is grab a piece of paper and list every setting I have and EXACTLY what it is doing for me and then check the tris settings.

It really has to be the configuration because everything else plugged onto it works exactly as it should.

Most likely, and you've figured this already, I'm sure, is the problem, once resolved, will have been me.