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By reklipz
I'm not sure if anyone has a need for this, or images like this, but this is something I made to help me out and I thought I'd share it.

It's a 15x25 hole Perf board.

I've got the .PSD of it if anyone would like it.
By geekything
Yes, actually! But I'll need a copyright disclaimer, or for you to release it under Creative Commons etc.

By reklipz
Umm, so you just need (C) Copyright 2006 - ReKlipz? Just lemme know what I need to do, and it's done.

BTW, this is what i had intended to use it for:
I made a booboo and put the caps WAY too close together...
And the Zener diodes i got are SMD, so i put them on the back.

Also, the image is in no way proportional to the actual, it's just got the same ammount of rows/columns and the numbering/lettering/lining/circling is all the same, and the holes are the same (IE, the 4 corners and the rows/columns as mentioned above).

--- EDIT ---
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
By geekything
What are you drawing this in, out of interest?


By reklipz
geekything wrote:What are you drawing this in, out of interest?


reklipz wrote:I've got the .PSD of it if anyone would like it.
.PSD = Photoshop Document

I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS2.