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By acleetus
I purchased 5 of the 4.5" SparkFun Flex Sensors (SEN-08606) and hooked them to an Arduino Uno using the linked schematic: ... MEDIUM.jpg

I wrote a simple program to read their values, and for 4 of the sensors, I keep getting "1023" as the constant value of the sensors, no matter what I do. It is not registering any bend at all in the sensors. 1023 is the max for the sensors, so it is reading the analog inputs, I'm just not sure why I'm not getting any different values. I have the reading part of my code in a constant loop. Plus, in my last sensor, I am getting crazy values that don't make any sense. They are all over the place even when I do not bend that sensor. But it is constantly updating that input so I know my loops is working. HELP? :? :?