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By beermug
i have an old candlestick phone with mechanical rotary dial. I recently changed my phone company to one with voip service. Now i can only receive incoming calls on my antique phone, if i attempt to dial a number ,the dialer is ignored completely. I have tried a pulse/tone adapter, only to find that my voip phone company detects pulse dialing, so using the adapter actually sent the dialed numbers twice! I was looking as some websites about old rotary dialers compared with the electronic ones in modern desk phones that have a pulse/tone dialing switch :? . Apparently the voip service can detect an electronically produced pulse dialing, but not the mechanical one. I have seen websites from IC producers that have those pulse dialer chips, but only as a chip. I believe i need an adapter that will take the mechanically dialed numbers and using one of those IC's convert it into electronic pulses. Does anyone have an idea on this one? :?