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By reklipz
Hello again.

I recently found this chip on a corded logitech ball mouse, and was wondering if anyone could help me find either the datasheet for it, or any info about it at all.

The codes on the chip read as follows, also, there is a single tall skinny rectangle on the left side:
Code: Select all
 | | | | | | | |
 |  LSC507808DW
 o  185   V9948
 | | | | | | | |
the o is pin 1, and the | is the rectangle

oh, the IC is an SMD IC

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By roach
Only thing I could find is that it seems to be made by Motorola. Maybe you could contact them for a datasheet?
By riden
reklipz, thanks for following up with the URL and letting us know that the problem was solved. It is always nice to see forum posts where someone poses a question and then lets everyone know the resolution. Very helpful for those who come after us!
By Kuroi Kenjin
oh hey... I almost forgot....

although I don't think it's in there.. but anyways, it's a good reference.