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By sora62896
I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I understood that last one correctly.....also-- I figured out all of the problems and it works correctly now---what's next is to add the DC motor into the equation and see if that drastically changes the compass heading

currently, the servo and the stopped DC motor only create about a degree disturbance for the compass, which is great
By fll-freak
My question revolves around the algorithm you are using to steer. Consider the following:
Driving down the highway you are 2 feet off center; how much to you turn the wheel.
Attempting to park a car between two other cars and you are 2 feet off center; How much to you turn the wheel?

If I understand correctly (and I may very well not), you are using the error in your heading (3 degrees clockwise) to adjust the steering servo (some number of degrees to turn counterclockwise). If this is the limit of the algorithm, you may find that at different speed and situations, that the vehicle is not stable. It will overshoot more and more each attempt and pretty soon go 'ballistic'. If this becomes the case a better algorithm may be needed. You may wish to research PID controllers as one possibility.
By sora62896
thanks fill freak, luckily, the other day I was able to completely finish the code and I had great results---The compass is accurate within 2 degrees while both the rear DC motor and the front steering servo are active! The code should be posted below. I was so happy when I finally got this working!!! Everything now works as it should!! Thank you very much for the help!! If anyone has any questions, feel free to continue posting on this thread!
Code: Select all
/*Code to make the Arduino turn the servo in the "target" direction and drive forward
based on the current orientation

Created on August 11th, 2012


//Begining code is to initialize the compass and find the current orientation

#include <Wire.h>  //includes the wire library for compass
#include <Servo.h>  //includes the servo library to PWM the servo

int HMC6352SlaveAddress = 0x42;
int HMC6352ReadAddress = 0x41; //"A" in hex, A command is: 

float GOAL = 90; //Taget of the compass (where to orient to)

Servo Steering; //defines the servo to be used to steer the car
Servo Motor;    //defines the DC motor as a servo so it can be used with PWM 

int headingValue;
int spd = 95;   //speed of the DC motor

void setup(){
  Steering.attach(10);  //attaches the servo to pin 10
  Motor.attach(9);      //attach the DC motor to pin 9
  Motor.write(spd);     //drive the motor at speed--95
  // "The Wire library uses 7 bit addresses throughout. 
  //If you have a datasheet or sample code that uses 8 bit address, 
  //you'll want to drop the low bit (i.e. shift the value one bit to the right), 
  //yielding an address between 0 and 127."
  HMC6352SlaveAddress = HMC6352SlaveAddress >> 1; // I know 0x42 is less than 127, but this is still required


void loop(){
  //"Get Data. Compensate and Calculate New Heading"
  Wire.write(HMC6352ReadAddress);              // The "Get Data" command

  //time delays required by HMC6352 upon receipt of the command
  //Get Data. Compensate and Calculate New Heading : 6ms

  Wire.requestFrom(HMC6352SlaveAddress, 2); //get the two data bytes, MSB and LSB

  //"The heading output data will be the value in tenths of degrees
  //from zero to 3599 and provided in binary format over the two bytes."
  byte MSB =;
  byte LSB =;

  float headingSum = (MSB << 8) + LSB; //(MSB / LSB sum)
  float headingInt = headingSum / 10; 

  //Serial.println(" degrees");

  float OrientationDiff = GOAL - headingInt;
  //defining OrientationDiff as the target minus the current orientaion
  //Serial.println(" degrees");
  if ((OrientationDiff >= -15) && (OrientationDiff <= 15))  //if difference ia greater or equal to -15 and less than or equal to 15
    Steering.write(105);                //go straight
  else if ((OrientationDiff < -15) && (OrientationDiff > -215))  //if the difference is greater than 0 and less than 180
    Steering.write(50);               //turn left
  else                                 //anything else (if the difference is less than 0 and greater than 180
     Steering.write(140);                //turn right
By fll-freak
Rather than a "bang-Bang" controller, you might get better results with this untested code. The idea is to proportional adjust the servo based on error. Your device may not stutter as much.
Code: Select all
/* Code to make the Arduino turn the servo in the "target" direction 
   and drive forward based on the current orientation

    Created on August 11th, 2012


//Begining code is to initialize the compass and find the current orientation

#include <Wire.h>  //includes the wire library for compass
#include <Servo.h>  //includes the servo library to PWM the servo

// Prototypes
float NormalizeHalfCircle(float ang);

int HMC6352SlaveAddress = 0x42;
int HMC6352ReadAddress = 0x41; //"A" in hex, A command is:

float GOAL = 90.0; //Taget of the compass (where to orient to)

Servo Steering; //defines the servo to be used to steer the car
Servo Motor;    //defines the DC motor as a servo so it can be used with PWM

int headingValue;
int spd = 95;   //speed of the DC motor

void setup(void) {
  Steering.attach(10);  //attaches the servo to pin 10
  Motor.attach(9);      //attach the DC motor to pin 9
  Motor.write(spd);     //drive the motor at speed--95
  // "The Wire library uses 7 bit addresses throughout.
  //If you have a datasheet or sample code that uses 8 bit address,
  //you'll want to drop the low bit (i.e. shift the value one bit to the right),
  //yielding an address between 0 and 127."
  HMC6352SlaveAddress = HMC6352SlaveAddress >> 1; // I know 0x42 is less than 127, but this is still required


void loop(void){
  float OrientationDif;

  //"Get Data. Compensate and Calculate New Heading"
  Wire.write(HMC6352ReadAddress);              // The "Get Data" command

  //time delays required by HMC6352 upon receipt of the command
  //Get Data. Compensate and Calculate New Heading : 6ms

  Wire.requestFrom(HMC6352SlaveAddress, 2); //get the two data bytes, MSB and LSB

  //"The heading output data will be the value in tenths of degrees
  //from zero to 3599 and provided in binary format over the two bytes."
  byte MSB =;
  byte LSB =;

  float headingSum = (MSB << 8) + LSB; //(MSB / LSB sum)
  float headingInt = headingSum / 10;

  //Serial.println(" degrees");

  // Defining OrientationDiff as the target minus the current orientaion
  OrientationDiff = NormalizeHalfCircle(GOAL - headingInt);

  // Compute correction. 
  #define GAIN 50.0*30.0  // 50 ms servo change for 30 degree error
  #define OFFSET 105.0    // Servo neutral position
  correction = OrientationDiff * GAIN + OFFSET;

  //Serial.println(" degrees");

float NormalizeHalfCircle(float ang) {

  if (ang >  180.0) ang -= 360.0
  if (ang < -180.0) ang += 360.0

  return (ang);
By fll-freak
fll-freak wrote:untested code
Correction should likely be a float and then cast to whatever the servo command wants.

My kingdom for one f. Sue me.

This was not to give you a working system, but rather introduce you to a proportional control. Rather than waiting for a error to go beyond a limit then slamming the wheel over to compensate, it will make small adjustments for small errors and larger adjustments for larger errors.
By sora62896
sorry about that-- I don't know why it won't attach

anywho, this is the part that has the error and I don't know why:
Code: Select all

    float NormalizeHalfCircle(float ang) {

      if (ang >  180.0) ang -= 360.0
      if (ang < -180.0) ang += 360.0

      return (ang);

in between the two "if" statements the orange error bar says "expected ';' before "if"

I know there should be something between the if statements, but I don't know what was suppose to go there...... Fill-freak can you help?
By Joeisi
Try this:
Code: Select all

    float NormalizeHalfCircle(float ang) {

      if (ang >  180.0){ ang -= 360.0;}
      if (ang < -180.0) {ang += 360.0;}

      return (ang);
The ang -=360 and ang += 360 are statements, therefore requiring semicolons.
And I like the brackets to show exactly what you intend to do.