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By lifeofdave
Hi All.

If you have purchased the sparkfun "LSM303 Breakout Board - Tilt Compensated Compass" and, like I did, expect it to give you a compass heading out of the box simply by using the example code provided by sparkfun then this post might help you out...

If you are finding the sparkfun provided example code gives you a very faulty compass heading then you need to use the pololu code linked below to calibrate the device.

More info:

After receiving this device I tried various things to get a good compass heading; indoor testing, outdoor testing, 3.3v, 5v, arduino mega, arduino mini pro, moving it away from my wacom tablet, etc. The only thing that made a noticeable difference was keeping the compass at least a meter or two from my wacom tablet. Sitll, however, the compass heading was off.

I found that the North and South were close to 0º and 180º but that East and West were around -55º and +55º ,respectively, off where they should be. These results suggested a calibration issue rather than a sensor fault so I did some further research.

After reading the post linked below I followed Mee_n_Mac's 'sanity' checks, which involve pointing the x axis towards magnetic north,then E,S and W and recording the magnetometer X,Y and Z value for each.

viewtopic.php?f=14&t=28591&p=128200&hil ... ty#p128200

The results:
Code: Select all
                            X           Y           Z
X pointing North:           30          5        -490
X pointing East:           -220        240       -470
X pointing South:          -480        30        -430
X pointing West:           -250       -240       -450
From the above results you can see the Y axis is behaving well. When Y is pointing north it reads 240 and when pointing south it reads -240. However the X axis is not behaving as it should, reading 30 when pointing north and -480 pointing south. This offset explained why I was getting perfect heading on one axis but not the other.

Next I used the pololu calibration code to find the min and max values for each axis of the magnetometer. The values for this particular sensor were:
X: min = -733, max = +379
Y: min = -530, max = 518
Z: min = -533, max = 468

Once these values were entered into the pololu heading example sketch the LSM303DLH started giving accurate heading info.

To further understand the magnetometer readings I made rough rotations of the device around each axis and recorded the X,Y and Z values. I then made recorded the values whilst making a series of random rotations. Using grapher, included with os x, I plotted these results:


The application notes pdf has a lot of info as to what this graph means (page 27 onwards), but as I undertand it the fact the points resemble a sphere rather than an ellipsoid suggests there is very little soft-iron interference.

On a final note if you are looking for buy the LSM303DLH then also look into the more recent LSM303DLM which has a greater accuracy.

The compass is now working properly so I'm happy! :)
By jremington
For much better calibration procedures, and the theory behind them, see ... ation.html and links therein. See also the articles and ... ration.pdf

The procedures work for accelerometers, providing the accelerometer is still while each data point is collected. This is tedious, however!
By Ipaulsen
Hi, I am very new to this, I have the LSM303DLH, with the Arduino Uno, I am using the LSM303 pololu library, trying to get heading readings from serial monitor 9600, with this set up I am not getting any values. Please help!

SCL to A5
SDA to A4
Vin to 3.3V
Code: Select all
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LSM303DLH.h>

LSM303DLH compass;

void setup() {
  // Calibration values. Use the Calibrate example program to get the values for
  // your compass.
  compass.m_min.x = -520; compass.m_min.y = -570; compass.m_min.z = -770;
  compass.m_max.x = +540; compass.m_max.y = +500; compass.m_max.z = 180;

void loop() {;
  int heading = compass.heading((LSM303DLH::vector){0,-1,0});