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By kirash4
Pardon me if this is a super stupid question, but I see no description of what the HEX Converter is on this shield. Looking at the Eagle files it seems all that was placed there was the footprint, nothing else. So, can someone enlighten me as to what part this is? Is it any run of the mill hex converter or something else?
By motopic
link would be convenient.

Most like its being used as a voltage convertor(5v-3.3v) for the data lines.

When I add sd cards to 5v mcus I use a plain hex convertor as a level shifter, bridging 5v mcu to the 3.3 sd standard.
Its 1000x more reliable than the voltage dividers you see on the net.
By fll-freak
As motopic indicated, the part is being used as a level converter from 3.3 to and from 5.0 volts. The chip runs on 3.3 but has 5.0V tolerant inputs. The output of the chip at 3.3V is above the voltage threshold for "HIGH" on the 5V part.
By kirash4
That's not my question, I know what it's used for. I want to know a part number. There are several kinds of HEV converters, I don't assume any will work. There are non inverting as well as inverting ones. Is there a generic part number for this footprint?