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By josh_wolf
open sourceforge project the PCEEG and could use help there is the link.
I have a newer schematic drawn but I haven't posted it onto my sight yet.

It is a programmable electro encepelograph. They are used to monitor brain activity. A scientist named walpaw has had people move cursors with it. Miguel Nicolilis... or similar spelling has had electrodes implanted in monkeys and watched the paterns when the monkey moved a joystick. Latter from the data from the signals and joystick feedback the scientist had monkeys moving the arm from their thoughs. Similar to speech recognition this was brain activity to movement.

I am wondering if the PSoC by cypress has too much input noize?
The open eeg uses a atmel.
The psoc by cypress has configurable analog sections and 12-14 bit adc.
I think my refrences of 2.5V are large enough to have the instramentation amp the LM1168 work correctly.
The active highpass filter might be a improvement over a passive lowpass? and other questions.[/img]
By beebop
When you post to four or five forums on the same board, it becomes nothing more than SPAM. One post would have been enough!