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By axl
Just curious if that ADXL header board mentioned in the LCC soldering tutorial is still available at sparkfun. Couldnt find it in the catalogue and wondering if any other users have actually used it.

This is pretty much my first electronics project and after i probably blew up my first and only ADXL202 breakout board (dont ask me how - esd, overvoltage or just bad soldering desoldering) that I bought from sparkfun I ventured to order a cheaper ADXL202 happily without realizing it was LCC....

After digging further I see that all is not lost and I could build my own breakout board with the components but this is where I come up with a blank for that header board... maybe i can just solder them onto a prototype pcb ... maybe not.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
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By sparky

I was torn between asking people to solder LCC packages and to sell fully populated boards. We've since removed all blank PCBs for the accels. Things are getting smaller and leadless - so we've gone with populated only.
