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By GekoCH

Is there a way to send a Stop to the Logomatic like pushing the
Stop Button? Is there any pin on the logomatic that would do tihs?

By kd5byb
Hello Geko,

Which version of Logomatic? I recall on the V2 there is a connection on the output strip that connects to the STOP button.

I wish I had my Logomatic V2 in front of me as I could check easily, but I don't...

By GekoCH
kd5byb wrote:Hello Geko,

Which version of Logomatic? I recall on the V2 there is a connection on the output strip that connects to the STOP button.

I wish I had my Logomatic V2 in front of me as I could check easily, but I don't...

Yes I got the v2 hmm...

By szastoupil
Does anyone know if the incoming serial data is saved safely to the memory card if it is powered down without selecting the stop button?

I'm thinking of using the logomatic for an engine data logging application where the ignition key starts and stops the data logging process without user interaction. Is this possible with the default code?