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By Coinfree
I just received some of the new Nokia knock off LCDs with the red tab and X3 stamp over the connector. Turns out they don't have the Epson controller like the older LCDs they have the Phillips. Having just spent a few days reworking my code, I figured I would post up my results to help out anyone else doing the same thing.

When I attempted to use the new LCD in 8 bit color mode, everything looks washed out. I tried all the contrast settings and various color mapping settings as well as most of the other related commands in the spec sheet. I went to 12 bit and it came out nice and clear like the older LCDs. Unfortunately I had to modify the rest of my code to use 12 bit colors when using this LCD.

I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas especially about the washed out 8 bit mode, as if I would very much like to return my code to one unified color scheme.

The code is in Pic Basic, enjoy.

Code: Select all
'* InitializeColors:
'* Load up color variables with the values for the controller
'* in use.

	IF LCDType == PhillipsLCD Then
		Black    	= PBlack	
		White   	= PWhite
		Blue    	= PBlue
		Green   	= PGreen
		Red     	= PRed
		Cyan     	= PCyan 	
		Yellow   	= PYellow
		Magenta  	= PMagenta
		Orange	 	= POrange
		Chartruse 	= PChartruse
	Else ' Epson is default
		Black    	= EBlack	
		White   	= EWhite
		Blue    	= EBlue
		Green   	= EGreen
		Red     	= ERed
		Cyan     	= ECyan 	
		Yellow   	= EYellow
		Magenta  	= EMagenta
		Orange	 	= EOrange
		Chartruse 	= EChartruse	


'* SendCommand:
'* Send a command byte to LCD controller


   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = 0
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.7
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.6
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.5
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.4
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.3
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.2
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.1
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.0
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   High LCDCS

'* SendData:
'* Send a data byte to LCD controller

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.7
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.6
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.5
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.4
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.3
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.2
   LCDSCLK  = 1
   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.1
   LCDSCLK  = 1

   LCDSCLK  = 0
   LCDSData = dat.0
   LCDSCLK  = 1



'* InitLCD:
'* Decide which type of LCD to setup
		GoSub InitLCDPhillips
		GoSub InitLCDEpson	


'* InitLCDEpson:
'* Setup commands for and Epson LCD controller

  Low LCDRst
  Pause 1
  LCDRst = 1
  Pause 20
  dat = $CA : GoSub SendCommand  ' DISCTL
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $20 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0A : GoSub SendData

  dat = $BB : GoSub SendCommand  ' COMSCN
  dat = $01 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $D1: GoSub SendCommand   ' OSCON
  dat = $94 : GoSub SendCommand  ' SLPOUT
  dat = $81 : GoSub SendCommand  ' VOLCTR
  'dat = $28 : GoSub SendData   
  dat = Contrast : GoSub SendData         
  dat = $03 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $82 : GoSub SendCommand  ' TMPGRD
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData  
  dat = $20 : GoSub SendCommand  ' PWRCTR
  dat = $0F : GoSub SendData
  dat = $A7: GoSub SendCommand   ' DISINV
  dat = $A9: GoSub SendCommand   ' PTLOUT 
  dat = $BC : GoSub SendCommand  ' DATCTL
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $01 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $CE : GoSub SendCommand  ' RGBSET8
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $02 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $04 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $06 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $08 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0A : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0C : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0F : GoSub SendData
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $02 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $04 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $06 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $08 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0A : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0C : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0F : GoSub SendData
  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $06 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $09 : GoSub SendData
  dat = $0F : GoSub SendData
  'dat = $25 : GoSub SendCommand ' NOP
  GoSub clearScreen

  Pause 300
  dat = $AF : GoSub SendCommand ' DISON	  


'* InitLCDPhillips:
'* Setup commands for and Phillips LCD controller

	  Low LCDRst
	  Pause 20
	  High LCDRst
	  Pause 20
	  dat = $11 : GoSub SendCommand  ' Sleep_Out
	  dat = $20 : GoSub SendCommand  ' INVON  maybe $20
	  dat = $3A : GoSub SendCommand  ' COLMOD 
	  dat = $03 : GoSub SendData	   ' 12 bits per pixel
		'dat = $02 : GoSub SendData	   ' 8 bits per pixel 
	  dat = $36 : GoSub SendCommand  ' MADCTL
	  dat = $00 : GoSub SendData	   ' mirror x and y, reverse RGB
	  dat = $25 : GoSub SendCommand  ' SETCON
	  dat = Contrast : GoSub SendData	   ' contast of 30
	  dat = $03 : GoSub SendCommand  ' BSTRON
	  dat = $BC : GoSub SendCommand  ' temp frame freq off
	  dat = $BE : GoSub SendCommand  ' temp frame freq off           
	  Pause 200 
	  dat = $29 : GoSub SendCommand  ' DISPON	
	  color = white
	  GoSub clearscreen



'* Plot:
'* Paint one pixel on the screen by calling apprioriate sub

		GoSub PlotPhillips

		GoSub PlotEpson


'* Plot:
'* Paint one pixel on the screen using Epson commands

	  dat = $75   : GoSub SendCommand
	  dat = y + 2 : GoSub SendData
	  dat = 131   : GoSub SendData
	  dat = $15   : GoSub SendCommand
	  dat = x     : GoSub SendData
	  dat = 129   : GoSub SendData
	  dat = $5C   : GoSub SendCommand
	  dat = color : GoSub SendData	  

'* Plot:
'* Paint one pixel on the screen using Phillips commands

	  dat = $2B      : GoSub SendCommand
	  'dat = y + 2    : GoSub SendData
	  dat = y        : GoSub SendData	  
	  dat = 132      : GoSub SendData
	  dat = $2A      : GoSub SendCommand
	  dat = x        : GoSub SendData
	  dat = 132      : GoSub SendData
	  dat = $2C      : GoSub SendCommand
	  dat = color>>4 : GoSub SendData
	  dat = color<<4 : GoSub SendData

By Level1
Thanks Coinfree for your swift help!

Spark Fun engineers have also created header files and initialization code with an LPC2148 to work with both displays. The link for code that works with both controllers is on the Nokia product page: ... cts_id=569

By Coinfree
I see you ran the phillips with 8 bit color and the default color mapping, did the colors look washed out on yours?
By Level1
Yes, there still are issues with the colors. This code will get most people started and we will update the file once we have good fixes.

Thanks for your help.
