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By MarkmW
I have purchased the 9DoF Sensor Stick (LSM9DS1) and I am trying to get the compass working.

I am using the code here; Pitch and Roll are working perfectly, however the heading only returns a value somewhere between 292 and 325.

Previously I used the SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom IMU Breakout(LSM9DS0) and everything worked fine. however, with the LSM9DS1 the heading isn't working. could it be a problem with my sensor stick?
By MarkmW
I agree that it needs calibration, however without soft or hard iron calibration it shouldn't be this bad.
I have worked with a number of mems sensors and even out of the box, they have given me a lot larger range of heading. most actually go from 0-360.

I have calibrated the magnetometer and still have the same issue.