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All things pertaining to wireless and RF links
By dreamsky04
NRF24L01+PIC24F675,but cannot send any data

transimitter code is passed:
LIST P=12F675, R=DEC
ORG 000H

BSF STATUS,PRO ;---- Select Bank 1 -----
CALL 3FFH ;retrieve factory calibration value
movwf OSCCAL ;update register with factory cal value
movlw b'00000001' ;GP0-input, other ouput
movlw b’11011000’ ;Pull Ups Disabled, Rising Edge, Assigned to WDT , Prescaler is 1:1 WDT

BCF STSTUS,PRO ;---- Select Bank 0 -----
CALL initnrf ;SET NRf
call GetData ; read data
call SendData ; send data

goto main

movlw b'10101010'
movwf fsr


movlw b'10100111'
movwf tmr1l
movlw b'11111111'
mowf tmr1h
bsf ticon,tmr1on ;enables timer1

;send cmd 00100111 - Write register 7 - STATUS
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 01111110 - Clear Ints
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5 ;RX_DR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5 ;TX_DS
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;MAX_RT
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;RX_P_ON
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;RX_P_ON
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;RX_P_ON
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;TX_FULL
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 11100001 - Flush TX
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00111010 - Power up module
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;MASK_RX_DR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5 ;MASK_TX_DS
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;MASK_MAX_RT
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;EN_CRC
call tmr1_overflow
b0f giro,GPIO5 ;CRCO
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;PER_UP
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;PRIM_RX
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd
BCF GPIO,GPIO2 ;set csn 0
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,0 ;send bit 0
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,0
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,1 ;send bit 1
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,1
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,2 ;send bit 2
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,3 ;send bit 3
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,3
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,4 ;send bit 4
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,4
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,5 ;send bit 5
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,5
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,6 ;send bit 6
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,6
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

btfsc fsr,7 ;send bit 7
bsf gpio,GPIO5
btfss fsr,7
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow

BSF GPIO,GPIO2 ;set csn 1


movlw b'10100111'
movwf tmr1l
movlw b'11111111'
mowf tmr1h
bsf ticon,tmr1on ;enables timer1

;send cmd 00100000 - Write register 0 - CONFIG
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00111000 - PTX, CRC enables
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;MASK_RX_DR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5 ;MASK_TX_DS
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;MASK_MAX_RT
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;EN_CRC
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;CRCO
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;PWR_UP
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;PRIM_RX
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 00100100 - Write register 4 - SETUP_RETR
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bSf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send DATA 00000000 - Wait 250+86ms - Re-transmit disabled
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;ARD
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;ARD
call tmr1_overflow
bCf gpio,GPIO5 ;ARD
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;ARD
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;ARC
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;ARC
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;ARC
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;ARC
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;Send CMD 00100011 - Write register 3 - SETUP_AW
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00000011 - ADRESS Width = 3
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;AW
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;AW
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 00100110 - Write register 6 - RF_SETUP
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00000111 - DATA RATE = 1 Mb
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;PLL_LOCK
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_DR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_PWR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_PWR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5 ;LNA_HCURR
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 00100101 - Write register 5 - RF_CH
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00000010 - Set Channel 2
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RESERVED
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bCf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bSf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bCf giro,GPIO5 ;RF_CN
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 00110000 - Write register 10 - TX_ADDR
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 11100111 - Set Address E7E7E7E7E7
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bSf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
call delay

;send cmd 00100001 - Write register 1 - EN_AA
bcf gpio,GPIO2
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
;send data 00000000 - Disable AUTOACK
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bcf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bSf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf giro,GPIO5
call tmr1_overflow
bsf gpio,GPIO2
bcf ticon,tmr1on ;disables timer1
btfss pir1,tmr1if
goto tmr1_overflow
bcf pir1,tmr1if
movlw b'10100101'
movwf tmr1l
movlw b'11111111'
movwf tmr1h

movlw n1
movwf data1
lp0 movlw n2
movwf data2
lp1 decfsz data2,1
goto lp1
decfsz data1,1
goto lp0
By jasonharper
What the heck is a "PIC24F675"???

There's no way that this code could be successfully assembling at all - for example, you've got "BCF STSTUS,PRO" instead of "BCF STATUS,RP0", and a couple of undeclared variables in your delay routine.
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By leon_heller
He means PIC12F675, which he has at the beginning of the code. The listing is completely incomprehensible, anyway.
