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Wireless Mailbox Alert Project

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:20 am
by jack0987
My mailbox is a distance away and many times I have gone up there only to find there is no mail or they have not come yet.
There are many alert systems for sale on the market, but it is my understanding that for the most part their range is
short or they work unreliably or both.

Therefore, I would like to build my own wireless mailbox alert.

As of now my plan is:

For the mailbox transmitter - I am planning to use a RFM69HCW Wireless Transceiver - 915MHz with an Arduino Pro 328 - 3.3V/8MHz.
This can be bare bones as other than transmitting detected activity, I only need perhaps set and reset functions.

For the house receiver - RFM69HCW Wireless Transceiver - 915MHz with an Arduino mega.
I am using a mega here for future wireless addons.

Now a tutorial on this would be nice as I know very little even how to start or if I am going in the right direction.
Please suggest and comment. Thanks.

One question I have right now is how to power the completed programmed mailbox transmitter with AA batteries. A wiring diagram would be helpful.