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All things pertaining to wireless and RF links
By josep
Hi All,

Has anyone had success observing the timeout interrupt on DIO4? Is so, can you please post your configuration steps?

I've gotten pretty far with a project project I am working on. I can read and write registers via SPI to the RFM69, but I don't seem to be getting an the Timeout interrupt. For the sake of keeping this post shortish I was thinking I would ask for someone else's configuration and compare to what I am doing rather than post all my configuration.

Thank you,

A little background my project:

I am adding a vegetable garden and would like an automated and controllable way to water it. I would like the garden to be integrated into my current sprinkler control system, which has internet access. Of the 8 zones my system has, I have 1 zone available for integrating the garden. The most straight forward way would be to add a new zone that controls the garden, but the garden is on the opposite side of the house. Instead, the plan is to connect an attiny 84 to the zone and then when it detects the zone being on it sends a ping (via RFM69). This ping is in turn being observed by an attiny 84 and when it "hears" it it turns on the water. When the zone goes turns off, an thus the ping shuts off, the receiver attiny will turn off the water in the garden.

Because the receiver attiny is battery powered, the plan is to have the RFM69 be in listen mode and wake up the attiny on a payload or a timeout. If there is a timeout, and the sprinkler system is running then turn off, otherwise do nothing and go back to sleep. If there is a payload (heartbeat ping) then turn on the water and keep it on until there is a timeout. I was thinking idle/vs away time would be something line 2s vs 1ms...