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All things pertaining to wireless and RF links
By wonderer
I searching for a good/reliable RF CC2500 transmitter.
Can the Wixel be used to send data to a CC2500 client?

I’ve tried a Chinese CC2500 (actually a XL2500) as host but have trouble keeping steady communication.
It's a bit strange, it's not a range issue: it sometimes works 30 feet away and yet fails a few feet away and seems to be very location-dependent.

I know the CC2511 chip can do CC2500 communication but I’m not sure if the "Wixel" has been programmed with it’s own protocol so that it is not compatible with a generic CC2500.

I can't make changes to the client aside from what the sender can negotiate.

Some of the the CC2500 client params:
IF frequency of 253.9kHz
FREQ = 2420 MHz
CHANBW = 541.666 kHz
DRATE = 249.94 kBaud
MSK modulation, 30/32 sync word bits
FEC disabled,
2 preamble bytes
CHANSPC = 199.951 kHz

If the answer is yes, can the Wixel be outfitted with an external antenna to increase range?
By wonderer
Thanks for pointing me to Polulu.
I just discovered the Wixel, and now I discover Polulu.
From their "FAQ" it seems to be possible, at least they do mention the CC2500. Still wondering if I can manipulate the protocol but I asked more specific question to that effect in their Wixel forum.