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All things pertaining to wireless and RF links
By siegelj
Message deleted; the error was unrecoverable. Working directly with Telit support now.
Last edited by siegelj on Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
By electronicsbasecom
I am very happy to found this post. From same reason I start to make new design with GE864-GPS. You already helpped me, but I expect more. Now I see that pull-down on GPS_ON_OFF will not turn-on GPS.

First...I saw youtube videos that sows how to reflow it...

Second...I will be very grateful to you if you can check my design...or even send me a part of yours.
I will send you now my schematic...and all document that I mainly use to make my design.
If you see some errors or bad design please tell me.
I planed just to turn on GPS and read GPS position via AT comands, yes it is possible...I used this way in GM862.
You have more information on page 504 in Telit_AT_commands_Reference_Guide.pdf, but I am more in hardware than software.

I plan not to monitor GPS_WAKEUP, just to wait some time it looks easier and saves pins of uC.

Please contact me at

Thank you in advance...