Page 3 of 5


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:44 pm
by mikecapito
This is a slightly "Arduino-ified" version of the previous code, which allows the nrf24ap1 to get the information from a Garmin HR strap, and process the data with an 3.3v Arduino. Note that it uses the SoftwareSerial library to talk to the ANT receiver, so that the standard serial ports are free to communicate with a computer. This allows me to use the heartrate info to control things on my computer, like the volume of VLC player. :) I do that with another python script that reads the other end of the serial connection.

Code: Select all
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define UCHAR unsigned char

#define rxPin 2
#define txPin 3
#define ledPin 13

// set up a new serial port
SoftwareSerial mySerial =  SoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin);
byte pinState = 0;

#define RETURN_ERROR   -1
#define RETURN_SUCCESS    0 
#define DEBUG       1 

#define MESG_TX_SYNC                      ((UCHAR)0xA4)
#define MESG_RX_SYNC                      ((UCHAR)0xA5)
#define MESG_SIZE_OFFSET                  ((UCHAR)1)    
#define MESG_ID_OFFSET                    ((UCHAR)2)     
#define MESG_SYNC_SIZE                    ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_SIZE_SIZE                    ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_ID_SIZE                      ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_CHECKSUM_SIZE                ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_MAX_DATA_SIZE                ((UCHAR)17)
#define MESG_DATA_OFFSET                  MESG_HEADER_SIZE  
#define MESG_MAX_SIZE                     (MESG_MAX_DATA_SIZE + MESG_FRAME_SIZE)


// Message ID's

#define MESG_INVALID_ID                   ((UCHAR)0x00)
#define MESG_EVENT_ID                     ((UCHAR)0x01)
#define MESG_VERSION_ID                   ((UCHAR)0x3E)  // protocol library version
#define MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID            ((UCHAR)0x40)
#define MESG_UNASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID          ((UCHAR)0x41)
#define MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID            ((UCHAR)0x42)
#define MESG_CHANNEL_RADIO_FREQ_ID        ((UCHAR)0x45)
#define MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID               ((UCHAR)0x46)
#define MESG_RADIO_TX_POWER_ID            ((UCHAR)0x47)
#define MESG_RADIO_CW_MODE_ID             ((UCHAR)0x48)
#define MESG_SEARCH_WAVEFORM_ID           ((UCHAR)0x49)
#define MESG_SYSTEM_RESET_ID              ((UCHAR)0x4A)
#define MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_ID              ((UCHAR)0x4B)
#define MESG_CLOSE_CHANNEL_ID             ((UCHAR)0x4C)
#define MESG_REQUEST_ID                   ((UCHAR)0x4D)
#define MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID            ((UCHAR)0x4E)
#define MESG_BURST_DATA_ID                ((UCHAR)0x50)
#define MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID                ((UCHAR)0x51)
#define MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID            ((UCHAR)0x52)
#define MESG_RADIO_CW_INIT_ID             ((UCHAR)0x53)
#define MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID              ((UCHAR)0x54)
#define MESG_NVM_DATA_ID                  ((UCHAR)0x56)
#define MESG_NVM_CMD_ID                   ((UCHAR)0x57)
#define MESG_NVM_STRING_ID                ((UCHAR)0x58)
#define MESG_ID_LIST_ADD_ID               ((UCHAR)0x59)
#define MESG_ID_LIST_CONFIG_ID            ((UCHAR)0x5A)
#define MESG_OPEN_RX_SCAN_ID              ((UCHAR)0x5B)
#define MESG_EXT_BURST_DATA_ID            ((UCHAR)0x5F)
#define MESG_GET_SERIAL_NUM_ID            ((UCHAR)0x61)
#define MESG_GET_TEMP_CAL_ID              ((UCHAR)0x62)
#define MESG_RX_EXT_MESGS_ENABLE_ID       ((UCHAR)0x66)
#define MESG_ENABLE_LED_FLASH_ID          ((UCHAR)0x68)
#define MESG_AGC_CONFIG_ID                ((UCHAR)0x6A)
#define MESG_READ_SEGA_ID                 ((UCHAR)0xA0)
#define MESG_SEGA_CMD_ID                  ((UCHAR)0xA1)
#define MESG_SEGA_DATA_ID                 ((UCHAR)0xA2)
#define MESG_SEGA_ERASE_ID                ((UCHAR)0XA3)   
#define MESG_SEGA_WRITE_ID                ((UCHAR)0XA4)

//                                        ((UCHAR)0xA5) //FREE

#define MESG_SEGA_LOCK_ID                 ((UCHAR)0xA6)
#define MESG_FUSECHECK_ID                 ((UCHAR)0xA7)
#define MESG_UARTREG_ID                   ((UCHAR)0XA8)
#define MESG_MAN_TEMP_ID                  ((UCHAR)0xA9)
#define MESG_BIST_ID                      ((UCHAR)0XAA)
#define MESG_SELFERASE_ID                 ((UCHAR)0XAB)
#define MESG_SET_MFG_BITS_ID              ((UCHAR)0xAC)
#define MESG_IO_STATE_ID                  ((UCHAR)0xB0)
#define MESG_CFG_STATE_ID                 ((UCHAR)0xB1)
#define MESG_RSSI_ID                      ((UCHAR)0xC0)
#define MESG_RSSI_BURST_DATA_ID           ((UCHAR)0xC3)
#define MESG_BTH_BURST_DATA_ID            ((UCHAR)0xD2)
#define MESG_BTH_EXT_BURST_DATA_ID        ((UCHAR)0xD5)


// Message Sizes


#define MESG_INVALID_SIZE                 ((UCHAR)0)
#define MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_SIZE          ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_SIZE          ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_VERSION_SIZE                 ((UCHAR)9)
#define MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_SIZE          ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_CHANNEL_ID_SIZE              ((UCHAR)5)
#define MESG_NETWORK_KEY_SIZE             ((UCHAR)9)
#define MESG_RADIO_TX_POWER_SIZE          ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_RADIO_CW_MODE_SIZE           ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_RADIO_CW_INIT_SIZE           ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_SYSTEM_RESET_SIZE            ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_SIZE            ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_CLOSE_CHANNEL_SIZE           ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_REQUEST_SIZE                 ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_CAPABILITIES_SIZE            ((UCHAR)6)
#define MESG_DATA_SIZE                    ((UCHAR)9)
#define MESG_NVM_DATA_SIZE                ((UCHAR)10)
#define MESG_NVM_CMD_SIZE                 ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_NVM_STRING_SIZE              ((UCHAR)9)
#define MESG_ID_LIST_ADD_SIZE             ((UCHAR)6)
#define MESG_ID_LIST_CONFIG_SIZE          ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_OPEN_RX_SCAN_SIZE            ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_EXT_DATA_SIZE                ((UCHAR)13)
#define MESG_GET_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE          ((UCHAR)4)
#define MESG_GET_TEMP_CAL_SIZE            ((UCHAR)4)
#define MESG_AGC_CONFIG_SIZE              ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_READ_SEGA_SIZE               ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_SEGA_CMD_SIZE                ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_SEGA_DATA_SIZE               ((UCHAR)10)
#define MESG_SEGA_ERASE_SIZE              ((UCHAR)0)
#define MESG_SEGA_WRITE_SIZE              ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_SEGA_LOCKED_SIZE             ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_SEGA_LOCK_SIZE               ((UCHAR)0)
#define MESG_FUSECHECK_SIZE               ((UCHAR)1)
#define MESG_UARTREG_SIZE                 ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_MAN_TEMP_SIZE                ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_BIST_SIZE                    ((UCHAR)6)
#define MESG_SELFERASE_SIZE               ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_SET_MFG_BITS_SIZE            ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_IO_STATE_SIZE                ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_CFG_STATE_SIZE               ((UCHAR)2)
#define MESG_RSSI_SIZE                    ((UCHAR)3)
#define MESG_RSSI_DATA_SIZE               ((UCHAR)17)

#define RETURN_ERROR   -1
#define RETURN_SUCCESS    0 
#define DEBUG       1 
// Ant Stuff
#define MAXMSG       14 // SYNC,LEN,MSG,data[8],CHKSUM
#define CHAN0      0
#define CHAN1      1
#define NET0      0
#define NET1      1
#define TIMEOUT   10 //mikec  30

#define BAUD   4800   // Sparkfun ANT Default Baud

//#define FREQ      0x41;   // Suunto radio frequency
#define FREQ 0x39; //  garmin radio frequency
//#define PERIOD      0x199a; // Suunto search period
#define PERIOD      0x1f86; // Garmin search period
//#define NETWORK_KEY      "B9AD3228757EC74D" // Suunto HRM
#define NETWORK_KEY      "B9A521FBBD72C345" // Garmin HRM

// Macros
#define hexval(c) ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? (c-'0') : ((c&0xdf)-'A'+10))

#define TRUE                           1
#define FALSE                          0

#if !defined(NULL)
   #define NULL                        ((void *) 0)

#define MAX_UCHAR                      0xFF
#define MAX_SCHAR                      0x7F
#define MIN_SCHAR                      0x80

#define MAX_SHORT                      0x7FFF
#define MIN_SHORT                      0x8000
#define MAX_USHORT                     0xFFFF
#define MAX_SSHORT                     0x7FFF
#define MIN_SSHORT                     0x8000

#define MAX_LONG                       0x7FFFFFFF
#define MIN_LONG                       0x80000000
#define MAX_ULONG                      0xFFFFFFFF
#define MAX_SLONG                      0x7FFFFFFF
#define MIN_SLONG                      0x80000000


UCHAR checkSum(UCHAR *data, int length)
   int i;
   UCHAR chksum = data[0]; 
   for (i = 1; i < length; i++)
      chksum ^= data[i];  // +1 since skip prefix sync code, we already counted it
   return chksum;

int hstr2hex(UCHAR *hex, char *hexstr, int size)
   int i;
   if ((size % 2) != 0)
      Serial.println("hstr2hex error: input hex string has to be divisible by 2");

   for (i=0; i < (size/2); i++)
      hex[i] = hexval(hexstr[i*2])*16 + hexval(hexstr[i*2 + 1]);

//ANT_send(1+1, MESG_SYSTEM_RESET_ID, 0x00)   
// Resets module
void reset (void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[4];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x01; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_SYSTEM_RESET_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = 0x00; // Data Byte N (N=LENGTH)
        buf[4] = checkSum(buf,4);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

void assignch(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[5];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x02; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_REQUEST_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; // 
   buf[4] = MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID; // 
        buf[5] = checkSum(buf,5);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

//   ANT_send(1+2, MESG_REQUEST_ID, CHAN0, 0x3D)
void assignch1(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[5];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x02; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_REQUEST_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; // 
   buf[4] = ((UCHAR)0x3D); // 
        buf[5] = checkSum(buf,5);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

//   ANT_send(1+3, MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID, CHAN0, 0x00, NET0); // chan, chtype (0=wildcard?), network
void assignch2(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[6];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x03; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_ASSIGN_CHANNEL_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
   buf[4] = ((UCHAR)0x00);  
   buf[5] = NET0;  
        buf[6] = checkSum(buf,6);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

//   ANT_send(1+5, MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID, CHAN0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); // chan, devno (2byte) (0=wildcard) (little-endian), devtype (0=wildcard), manid (0=wildcard));
void assignch3(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[8];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x05; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
   buf[4] = ((UCHAR)0x00);  
   buf[5] = ((UCHAR)0x00);  
   buf[6] = ((UCHAR)0x00);  
   buf[7] = ((UCHAR)0x00);  
        buf[8] = checkSum(buf,8);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

//   buf[0] = MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID;   
//   buf[1] = NET0;
//   hstr2hex(&buf[2], NETWORK_KEY, 16);  // dest, orig, size            
//   ANT_sendStr(1+9, buf);
void assignch4(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[12];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x09; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_NETWORK_KEY_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = NET0; 
        hstr2hex(&buf[4], NETWORK_KEY, 16);  // dest, orig, size
//mikec        hstr2hex(&buf[2], NETWORK_KEY, 16);  // dest, orig, size
   buf[12] = checkSum(buf,12);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 13 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

void timeout(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[5];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x02; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
   buf[4] = TIMEOUT;  
        buf[5] = checkSum(buf,5);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

void frequency(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[5];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x02; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_CHANNEL_RADIO_FREQ_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
   buf[4] = FREQ;  
        buf[5] = checkSum(buf,5);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

//ANT_send(1+3, MESG_CHANNEL_MESG_PERIOD_ID, CHAN0, PERIOD%256, PERIOD/256); // NOTE: Period = Little-endian
void channel_period(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[6];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x03; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
   buf[4] = 0x1f; //mikec   buf[4] = 0x9A;  
   buf[5] = 0x86; //mikec   buf[5] = 0x19;  //   6554 = 25*256 + 154; 25=0x19; 154 = 0x9A
        buf[6] = checkSum(buf,6);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

void open_channel(void) 
   uint8_t i;
   uint8_t buf[4];
   buf[0] = MESG_TX_SYNC; // SYNC Byte
   buf[1] = 0x01; // LENGTH Byte
   buf[2] = MESG_OPEN_CHANNEL_ID; // ID Byte
   buf[3] = CHAN0; 
        buf[4] = checkSum(buf,4);
   Serial.print("TX: ");
   for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
     Serial.print(buf[i], HEX);
     Serial.print(" ");

void config (void)
   Serial.println("Config Starting");

        Serial.println("Config Done");

int ANT_rxHandler()
   int n, fd, rc, inmsg = FALSE;
   UCHAR chr, msgN;
   while (mySerial.available()>0) 
      chr =;
      if (chr == -1)
         Serial.println("Unknown error has occured");
         if ((chr == MESG_TX_SYNC) && (inmsg == FALSE))
            msgN = 0; // Always reset msg count if we get a sync
            inmsg = TRUE;
            rxBuf[msgN] = chr; // second byte will be msg size
            Serial.println("RX: [sync]");           
         else if (msgN == 1)
            rxBuf[msgN] = chr; // second byte will be msg siz
//            Serial.print("..0x");
//            Serial.print(chr,HEX);
         else if (msgN == 2)
            rxBuf[msgN] = chr;
//            Serial.print("..0x");
//            Serial.print(chr,HEX);
         else if (msgN < rxBuf[1]+3) // sync, size, checksum x 1 byte
            rxBuf[msgN] = chr;
//            Serial.print("..0x");
//            Serial.print(chr,HEX);
            inmsg = FALSE;
            rxBuf[msgN] = chr;
//            Serial.print("..0x");
//            Serial.println(chr,HEX);
            if (checkSum(rxBuf, msgN) == rxBuf[msgN]) // Check if chksum = msg chksu
//               Serial.print("RX: msg received-");
//                         Serial.println(msgN);   
               Serial.println("RX: chksum mismatch");

int ANT_rxMsg()
   //int i;
   UCHAR msgID, msgSize;
   UCHAR *msgData;
   // copy args
//   memcpy(rxBuf, args, sizeof(UCHAR) * MAXMSG);

   msgID = rxBuf[2];
   msgSize = rxBuf[1];
   msgData = &rxBuf[3];

   switch (msgID)
      case MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID :    
      case MESG_CAPABILITIES_ID   :    

      case MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID :   
         Serial.print("Heartrate is ");
         Serial.println(msgData[msgSize-1], DEC);
      default                  :   Serial.println("ID: Unknown msgID");

void setup()  {
  // define pin modes for tx, rx, led pins:
//  pinMode(rxPin, INPUT);
//  pinMode(txPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port

void loop()

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:36 pm
by krst

Great work!! Will be very valuable!
Do you by any chance know if the Suunto ant+ equiped belt would work in a similar way? To me it seems that it should be basically be "the same" code but i have heard something about coded signals etc. that would differ between garmin and sunto heart belts....

Thanks in adance

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:17 pm
by mikecapito
It's my impression that you would comment out the 3 Garmin lines of code, and uncomment the 3 Suunto lines. But I haven't tried it...

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:20 am
by krst
Ok thanks, yes seems plausible. The reason asking is because it is not totally clear ifsuunto uses ant or ant+, ant is code locked and not ant+ if I understood it correctly . which specific heart belt modell of garmin did you use?

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:03 pm
by mikecapito
I have a HRM1G chest strap which came with my forerunner.

Someone earlier in this thread said that it should work fine with the Suunto. I also think that there was another thread in these forums by a Suunto user -- it might be the one that I pulled most of this code from. I forget exactly.

Good luck.

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:22 pm
by krst
Ok thanks again! Just here trying it out right now with my new suunto watch/belt. Was some months since i used my arduino last time here so will take some hours to get upp to date again with it :-) I assume you made rc pin 2, tx pin 3 and that rts is led pin 13... I do get some messages from the ant chip actually but I want to ask how you managed to run the command avaviable in the software serial? According to the compiler and the arduino reference code you should not be able to do a availiable call with software serial?! How did you managed this?

int ANT_rxHandler()
int n, fd, rc, inmsg = FALSE;
UCHAR chr, msgN;

while (mySerial.available()>0)

Thanks in advance....
mikecapito wrote:I have a HRM1G chest strap which came with my forerunner.

Someone earlier in this thread said that it should work fine with the Suunto. I also think that there was another thread in these forums by a Suunto user -- it might be the one that I pulled most of this code from. I forget exactly.

Good luck.

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:27 pm
by mikecapito
Hmm. I suppose I left out a key part. I used the "NewSoftSerial" libraries from

Also, for the record, I didn't use the RTS pin on the antenna board. Things worked without it.

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:23 pm
by krst
Aha ok ok, then i get it :-) The program is compiling with out any errors but i get no contact after the config with the ant reciver when running it or any error messages from it so i guess it will need some reverse enginnering. Find that strange however as there should be no difference from a arduini mini to the big uno one and I should see some rx or tx error messages in the serial monitor i fellt when running your code out from the box with switch frequencecies and wearing the hr belt...

I will need to put in some more work, for sure some super small problem :-)

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:43 pm
by mikecapito
Some ideas:
  • Make sure it's a 3.3V Arduino. The standard ones are most likely too high voltage for the antenna, and definitely won't recognize the 3v responses from the antenna.
    Make sure that TX from the antenna goes to RX on the Arduino, and vice versa.
    Make sure you're wearing the heartrate monitor. I checked on the watch to make sure it was sending stuff.

nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - working for suunto arduino

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:56 pm
by krst
Many thanks Mike!

Yes, it turned out I had connected it just wrong :-) I do use an arduino pro mini 3v now but I found out it worked pretty ok even with a uno 5v if you put a voltage divider on the IO lines, ofcourse 5 v on the vcd to the chip would fry it :-)

I had some time to crack what really was saying in the main code given by dev here. I did not get straight away what was said in the message id in hex. I figured out from older code given here and some spreadsheet thinking that suunto belt is acutally sending mainly the beat times RR, atleast i did not see where the watch was seending the average hear rate in the ant message id (but yet again, I am a nowieb on this :-) ). So the message id of the suunto actually contains beat times, each beat time is send three times, I guess this is as I read elsewere a way to make sure that the beat reach the reciver even if there is some "traffic" lost so you will find the same beat time in three message id after eachother rolling so to say. So to calculate the beat time you use the two first message bytes in the message id after all the first id etc bytes, byte1*byte2*256=milliseconds, then you just wait for the next message id and calulate the time again (the time is given continous, and max out at about 64000ms and the restarts from zero again) and the just substract the previous beat time and you get a RR time, then just divide 60/RR and you are given the hear rate. My code is really basically the same as given by mikecapito above, just make sure to change to the suunto period, freq and key and also change in the void channel period the values of buf 4 and 5 to buf[4] = 0x9A; buf[5] = 0x19, this is calcualted according to the manual and also stated in the code above given for suunto ant.

Many thanks to all!

Message id example

//in sync =first byte /////MsgNr = 6 byte /////Byte1= 7 byte //////Byte2 =8 byte
0xA4 0x9 0x4E 0x0 0x1F 0x93 0x67 0x24 0x23 0x1F 0xF0 0x1B 0xFB //hex
164 9 78 0 31 147 103 36 35 31 240 27 251 //DEC
0xA4 0x9 0x4E 0x0 0x1F 0x94 0x39 0x28 0x67 0x24 0x23 0x1F 0x6
164 9 78 0 31 148 57 40 103 36 35 31 6

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:43 pm
by mikecapito
Glad to hear it's working for you. I had used the voltage dividers too as proof-of-concept, but it was too clunky for me.

I still haven't figured out all the serial comm. It seems that if I mess with the output too much, it stops sending the info. I don't know if there is a buffer that I have to fill or whatever. But if it's working for you, then it must be just me.

Good luck, and post anything fun that you do with it. I'll do the same ;-)


Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:20 am
by benoit22
I'm trying to get this to work with an Arduino Uno and a Garmin chest strap. I have Vcc conected to the 3.3V pin on the Uno, ground connected to ground, rx connect to pin 3 on the Uno & tx connected to pin 2 on the Uno.

If I upload the mikecapito's sketch without the chest strap nearby and then start the serial monitor I get the following:

Config Starting
TX: A4 1 4A 0 EF
TX: A4 2 4D 0 54 BF
TX: A4 2 4D 0 3D D6
TX: A4 3 42 0 0 0 E5
TX: A4 5 51 0 0 0 0 0 F0
TX: A4 9 46 0 B9 A5 21 FB BD 72 C3 45 64
TX: A4 2 44 0 A E8
TX: A4 2 45 0 39 DA
TX: A4 3 43 0 1F 86 7D
TX: A4 1 4B 0 EE
Config Done
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]
RX: [sync]

If I have the chest strap nearby I get the same info except the RX: [sync] repeats itself indefinitely about once a second. It is the same whether I am wearing it or not.

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:12 am
by Timbo
I have the same problem like benoit22.
Just [sync] and nothing else. I use a Garmin HRM. The new ant+ with a soft belt.

Any suggestions?


Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:57 am
by mikecapito
Sorry I missed this post before.

As mentioned in my previous post, I've had that problem when I tried to remove some of the debugging sent over the serial connection to the computer. It shouldn't have an effect, but the problem went away when I put the debugging back. I moved on to something else but never figured it out. I had a guess that it needed something else to fill up the serial buffer, but never verified that. I'd be curious what people find. Did you remove any of the debugging serial outs?

Re: nRF24AP1 - ANT Code - Garmin Heart-Rate Monitor

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:03 am
by Timbo
I found out, that I have to give some debug comments to the console to see the heart rate. I have also noticed that a transmitter need to near the chip (within 5m or so) to see anything happend. So I used the ANTware II to simulate a sensor.

Right now I'm getting into the code. Does anyone know where to find the ID fot all device types. I want to connect some different types of sensores and to differentiate between the signals I need to know the device types. Maybe also for pairing them.
