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Everything ARM and LPC
By naz
Hello all,

i'm new one to ARM field. anyone can tell which book or ebook or website is good for beginner. i want to know from basic programming language in arm like port ininilazation,hearder file, mode selection. i know little bit about therotical knowledge, but i want to implement in program. could u please guid me on this.
By naz
i'm using keil compiler,any one can guide me.
By ziggy
Easiest way would be to buy a dev kit and go through its software drivers and see how things are done. But expensive one.
For general knowledge maybe you should search for Linux Device Drivers, an online book, which should be free to use.
For other OS's - dunno.
By hsutherl
Arm is difficult. I guess at least in part because Arm supplies the IP while the various manufacturer's provide the parts. A couple of links:

hitex insiders guides

Arm Assembly Language Programming

Once you choose an architecture, get the appropriate architecture reference manual from You must register for that.

The NXP LPC line (ARM7) might be a good starting place if you don't have a specific project in mind (or possibly even if you do). The design is getting a bit old now, but I think the manuals are thorough and easy to understand, and Leon Heller's LPC2000 Yahoo user group is very active.

At first glance it would seem the newer Cortex parts should be an easier place to start since the core architecture is simpler. I've not looked at the TI/Stellaris parts in any detail. ST does supply a fairly extensive driver package for their STM32 parts, whereas NXP mainly offers example code in their app notes. But to me, at least after a few days of study, the STM32 manual (RM0008 in my case) is not as easy to understand as the LPC21xx manuals are.

After several months I'm still really trying to grasp how all the pieces of the GCC toolchain work together, so I won't attempt to advise on that. (Don't get me wrong, they do work, and they're free. Wonderful!)