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By crazygir
hiya folks!

I'm just now getting back to some project ideas I developed a while back, particularly with the PSP LCD and touchscreen modules from SparkFun. I had followed (loosely) the development of the controller/FPGA board SparkFun had been working on, but lost track of things as I got pulled away into other school work.. thus I have been catching up on all the PSP/LCD conversations as of late, attempting to synchronize these bits of information with the design parameters I am setting.

From all of this, I've got some questions I'm hoping you wonderful folks can help me with, though I'll cover the basic aspects of the design first:

. I'm putting this together for my undergrad CE senior project, and working under semi-flexible conditions.
. The main idea is to build a touchscreen system, where objects on the screen are created/manipulated using the touchscreen overlay for the LCD.
. As this is CE, I'm fine working with both the hardware and software aspects of the system, though given my time constraints (~8wks), I'd like to keep the hardware as simple as possible. (though using something like the virtual cogs' LCD setup doesn't seem to be an option, too complete).
. Given this, I'm imagining using a fairly powerful 32bit dev board for the main control (I have an Atmel ATEVK1100 available if I choose)
. My main problem is in figuring out a controller setup for the LCD (not worrying about touchscreen stuff just yet)
. Aside from time, my other constraint is manufacturing, I don't have the tools (nor time) for PCB layout/etching, specialized chip packages, etc.. so hand-soldering and sockets are my thing :D


In all the research I've done, there certainly are a number of options/paths to choose from. I've seen suggestions for the standalone Epson LCD controllers, the AT91SAM9261 uC, various FPGAs, etc.

Herein lies my difficulty..


My Questions:
. does a microcontroller board such as the EVK1100 have enough power to drive the LCD and everything else?
. Should I really be going with an LCD controller such as something from epson? (in addition to a microcontroller for system control)
. are the FPGA setups (such as the work SparkFun originally did), something analogous to the epson controllers? If so, would this then need a uC or something similar to send the display data?
. Someone suggested the picaso board for a different LCD, I'm assuming this can't be used with the PSP LCD (the board seems to speak VGA/SVGA), correct? ... ts_id=8541#
. Are the Epson controllers capable of being hand soldered, or should each of those packages be used in a PCB layout? Would it be possible to use a socket instead?
. has anyone successfully located connectors for the PSP LCD's backlight and touchscreen?

Thanks for your help!

By pma
Have you considered using the Atmel NGW100 board? It is quite inexpensive ($80 from Mouser) and you get a 150MHz+ 32-bit CPU which is more than able to handle the PSP LCD resolution. Are you planning to run embedded linux? If so, the open source community is quite active.

I am developing a NGW100 daughtercard with PSP LCD power supplies, connectors, touchscreen, etc. Take a look at my blog for more details:

If you are interested, send me a PM.

By crazygir
thanks pma.. contact off-list coming :)

questions for everyone..
. is it possible to drive this LCD using the LCD controller embedded in one of the 32bit Atmel chips? I have an EVK available, and will probably be getting an NGW100 for personal use.
By pma
crazygir wrote: . is it possible to drive this LCD using the LCD controller embedded in one of the 32bit Atmel chips? I have an EVK available, and will probably be getting an NGW100 for personal use.
Yes, quite a few people have done it successfully with both NGW100 and EVK1000 (myself included -- see the above blog link). Mainly under linux Great support from, and Not yet heard, but maybe some out there that are using the PSP LCD in a standalone (non-OS) environment.

By pma
[FYI: from CrazyGir's post on]
will driving the LCD (+ linux) eat up a significant amount of the NGW's cycles to leave other tasks subpar?
At 60fps the DMA engine would be moving 11.75Mwords/sec between the SDRAM and LCD controller. No CPU intervention required. The default settings for the NGW100 is 140MHz core, 70MHz SDRAM clock speed. Rough SDRAM bus utilization would be 20%. So it will depend on how memory-intensive your application software is.

If this is a problem for your application, some options include:
1) Increase the core/SDRAM clock. You could get to 180MHz/90MHz at up to ~70C (not truly guaranteed by Atmel), without needing to increase the CPU core voltage. See AT32AP7000 datasheet, Section 41.4.
2) Even for full-motion video, 30fps should be good enough (progressive scan on a TFT).
3) EVK1000 has a full 32-bit wide SDRAM bus.
