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Questions relating to designing PCBs
By async
I figured out what was wrong. When you download the library from GitHub be sure to click on the "Download" tab and then download the .zip file. I downloaded the individual files and for some reason they had extra html code that was making Eagle balk.
By tourc
Same problem, thanks async

NOTE: click the above link > click 'downloads' to the right of 'tags' at the right side of page

It says there are no downloads, but just click download as .zip or other, and unzip to your eagle/lbr/sparkfun dir and enjoy
By PeterDav
I navigated to the github page and created a free login.

I went back to the sparkfun library page and selected 'downloads' This send me to a page where I could select a .zip or a tar.gz,
The page also had a message "Sorry, there aren't any downloads for this repository"

I selected "Download as zip"

IE promp[ted me "Do you want to save master (711kb) from"

Error: Master could not be downloaded.

I can't seem to get past this. Tried a few variations. Ideas?